Must be some kind of record

tom upton

We finally finished up first cut yesterday. We had lots of help so had two 65 NH balers running and loaded 6 wagons with an average of 200 per wagon in less than 3 hours, including water breaks between loads! ( one missed knot on each baler at a ball change so no fault of the baler) The son asked me how long have we been running the same tractor baler combination. Figured out the old 710 JD and compact 65 New holland are in there 49th year of baling! And I dont plan on upgrading any time soon. Through the years we have tryed two different JD 24T balers, 310 NH, 2 different 273 NH, and a Massey 10 at one point. Never used any of them for more than a couple loads, and went back to the old 65. Some say they are slow, but they will put bales out as fast as 2 people can stack them on a wagon. Kudos to New Holland for making a baler that has stood the test of time.
We finally finished up first cut yesterday. We had lots of help so had two 65 NH balers running and loaded 6 wagons with an average of 200 per wagon in less than 3 hours, including water breaks between loads! ( one missed knot on each baler at a ball change so no fault of the baler) The son asked me how long have we been running the same tractor baler combination. Figured out the old 710 JD and compact 65 New holland are in there 49th year of baling! And I dont plan on upgrading any time soon. Through the years we have tryed two different JD 24T balers, 310 NH, 2 different 273 NH, and a Massey 10 at one point. Never used any of them for more than a couple loads, and went back to the old 65. Some say they are slow, but they will put bales out as fast as 2 people can stack them on a wagon. Kudos to New Holland for making a baler that has stood the test of time.
The fastest, and best, baler in the world is one that will consistently tie. Only 2 missed ties in 1200 bales is good. My advice, FWIW, keep running the 65s.
We finally finished up first cut yesterday. We had lots of help so had two 65 NH balers running and loaded 6 wagons with an average of 200 per wagon in less than 3 hours, including water breaks between loads! ( one missed knot on each baler at a ball change so no fault of the baler) The son asked me how long have we been running the same tractor baler combination. Figured out the old 710 JD and compact 65 New holland are in there 49th year of baling! And I dont plan on upgrading any time soon. Through the years we have tryed two different JD 24T balers, 310 NH, 2 different 273 NH, and a Massey 10 at one point. Never used any of them for more than a couple loads, and went back to the old 65. Some say they are slow, but they will put bales out as fast as 2 people can stack them on a wagon. Kudos to New Holland for making a baler that has stood the test of time.
Nothing wrong with old stuff. When I did disking for others, my Allis Chalmers Model M crawler was made in the 30's, and the Chevy flat bed I hauled it with is a 54. Both still run, but stopped using them because mowing is so much easier. Stan
We finally finished up first cut yesterday. We had lots of help so had two 65 NH balers running and loaded 6 wagons with an average of 200 per wagon in less than 3 hours, including water breaks between loads! ( one missed knot on each baler at a ball change so no fault of the baler) The son asked me how long have we been running the same tractor baler combination. Figured out the old 710 JD and compact 65 New holland are in there 49th year of baling! And I dont plan on upgrading any time soon. Through the years we have tryed two different JD 24T balers, 310 NH, 2 different 273 NH, and a Massey 10 at one point. Never used any of them for more than a couple loads, and went back to the old 65. Some say they are slow, but they will put bales out as fast as 2 people can stack them on a wagon. Kudos to New Holland for making a baler that has stood the test of time.
How many bales per acre and average weight? Just for comparison to local crops.
How many bales per acre and average weight? Just for comparison to local crops.
about 150 bales /acre but the compact 65 makes a smaller bale. Although it packs em tight so around 40 lbs. We are north east of Toronto Ontario about 75 miles. This was the last part of a half decent field I had fertilized last fall. Lots of brome and timothy, some alfalfa albeit all way too old due to all the rain we had in June and the most of July.


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about 150 bales /acre but the compact 65 makes a smaller bale. Although it packs em tight so around 40 lbs. We are north east of Toronto Ontario about 75 miles. This was the last part of a half decent field I had fertilized last fall. Lots of brome and timothy, some alfalfa albeit all way too old due to all the rain we had in June and the most of July.
Thanks for the information.
Nice work for knocking out 8 acres of heavy hay. Math says a bale stacked every 18 seconds, including breaks and wagon changes. Doubt its a record of any kind, but a great day nonetheless.
That's a good number of bales to deal with in one day. How many helpers did you have loading and stacking? 40 pound bales may be about right for kids nowadays and old people like me.
That's a good number of bales to deal with in one day. How many helpers did you have loading and stacking? 40 pound bales may be about right for kids nowadays and old people like me.
Actually almost had too many helpers!! Son came with his family, so 4 of them, but we let the Kids ride around on the gator most of the time so really 2 there, My brother drove one tractor ( 2120) and he brought his Son. My buddy also came , the wife, and myself, so 7 people. It worked good as some of my wagons are over 20 feet long so lots of walking, for a hot day. Had a BBQ after so was a good day. To be honest I and I think pretty much everyone enjoyed the day. Some call little squares "idiot bales" but for us it is a good excuse to get family and friends together! Some of the best times, and most memorable times I have had with family over the years involved work of some kind! A "holiday" for my Dad would be to go up to the bush to cut firewood, or up to the sawmill to handle lumber and slabs all day!
That's a good number of bales to deal with in one day. How many helpers did you have loading and stacking? 40 pound bales may be about right for kids nowadays and old people like me.
Used to be, the best way to get helpers was to have a good looking teen-age daughter driving tractor.......................................................................gtm
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Actually almost had too many helpers!! Son came with his family, so 4 of them, but we let the Kids ride around on the gator most of the time so really 2 there, My brother drove one tractor ( 2120) and he brought his Son. My buddy also came , the wife, and myself, so 7 people. It worked good as some of my wagons are over 20 feet long so lots of walking, for a hot day. Had a BBQ after so was a good day. To be honest I and I think pretty much everyone enjoyed the day. Some call little squares "idiot bales" but for us it is a good excuse to get family and friends together! Some of the best times, and most memorable times I have had with family over the years involved work of some kind! A "holiday" for my Dad would be to go up to the bush to cut firewood, or up to the sawmill to handle lumber and slabs all day!
My grandfather still did all our grain with a binder and threshing machine right up until he died in 2004 for that reason: He always wanted family involvement, and always complained that modern equipment was turning farming into a 'spectator sport'.

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