We finally finished up first cut yesterday. We had lots of help so had two 65 NH balers running and loaded 6 wagons with an average of 200 per wagon in less than 3 hours, including water breaks between loads! ( one missed knot on each baler at a ball change so no fault of the baler) The son asked me how long have we been running the same tractor baler combination. Figured out the old 710 JD and compact 65 New holland are in there 49th year of baling! And I dont plan on upgrading any time soon. Through the years we have tryed two different JD 24T balers, 310 NH, 2 different 273 NH, and a Massey 10 at one point. Never used any of them for more than a couple loads, and went back to the old 65. Some say they are slow, but they will put bales out as fast as 2 people can stack them on a wagon. Kudos to New Holland for making a baler that has stood the test of time.