My 401 B JD just stopped this morning


Well-known Member
Back to my JD. The problem with my JD was a bad lift pump, When trying to start the motor it just blows out white smoke. Is the injector fitting the only place to bleed the system? Stan
No expert on your model, but most all diesel fuel systems have a bleeder on the filters. I am fairly certain the lift pump should have a priming lever that can be stroked to bleed the filters.
Back to my JD. The problem with my JD was a bad lift pump, When trying to start the motor it just blows out white smoke. Is the injector fitting the only place to bleed the system? Stan
Your JD has a bleeder on the filter(s).

If you ran it totally out of fuel, you likely will need to bleed the high-pressure lines at the injector ends of the lines, while cranking the engine.

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