Need a Farmall H All-Fuel Sediment Bowl

Hours and hours and hours working with the tractor running on power kerosene. Dad had a good deal with North-West oil here and it was delivered regularly in 44 (imperial) gallon drums.
The shutters really do help, even in warm climates. Without them, it is difficult to regulate engine running temperature for good kerosene combustion. In conjunction with the shutters, a correctly working temperature gauge helps to prevent running too cold (runs badly) or too hot (stop working when steam escapes!).
My M is still set up to run on kerosene. Draining the oil to the lower drain cock every night and making sure there is no kero in the carburetter when you finish work and topping engine oil up again the next morning is all part of the deal or kerosene operation.
I nearly always run my M on unleaded petrol now as power kerosene costs $4.00 / litre ($14 per U.S. gallon).
Hours and hours and hours working with the tractor running on power kerosene. Dad had a good deal with North-West oil here and it was delivered regularly in 44 (imperial) gallon drums.
The shutters really do help, even in warm climates. Without them, it is difficult to regulate engine running temperature for good kerosene combustion. In conjunction with the shutters, a correctly working temperature gauge helps to prevent running too cold (runs badly) or too hot (stop working when steam escapes!).
My M is still set up to run on kerosene. Draining the oil to the lower drain cock every night and making sure there is no kero in the carburetter when you finish work and topping engine oil up again the next morning is all part of the deal or kerosene operation.
I nearly always run my M on unleaded petrol now as power kerosene costs $4.00 / litre ($14 per U.S. gallon).
This is great information, thank you for posting!
I thought this was to be done in the morning, after the kerosene had overnight to separate from the lubricating oil.
Specific gravity of SAE 30 oil is 0.875. Specific gravity of power kerosene is 0.810, so in theory, kerosene will float on engine oil. However,
the kerosene seems to mix with the oil and stay mixed, so it was easier to drain the oil down with the motor hot. Running on kerosene does use a fair amount of engine oil - it takes nearly an Imperial quart (0.3 U.S. gallon) to bring oil up from lower drain cock to upper drain cock on a Farmall M.
There is also manifold heat setting to consider. If the manifold heat control is set incorrectly, faster oil dilution will occur (too cold) or high fuel consumption and power loss (too hot).

In addition to draining off oil and refilling each day, it is important to change the oil no later than manufacturer's specifications as

There is a good article written in 1920 called Kerosene As A Tractor Fuel by John A. Secor in SAE International.


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