Need assistance identifying old manure spreader..

Hello All, Hoping I can get some help identifying an older manure spreader I purchased. The gentleman I bought it from said he was unsure of the make or model. He did state he painted it blue but was green before he painted. He believes it may have been a New Idea or a Badger.

Things I do know: Apron dimensions approximately 12' L, 55" W, 22" H. Metal trim was originally green. Unit is PTO driven.

Several parts need repair so make and model would be helpful. Thanks in advance!


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Definitely a 1950’s era manure spreader. And during that time nearly every tractor company was offering a full line of equipment. One important thing to remember is though even in the 50’s, many pieces of equipment were bought and rebadged by the major companies, and not necessarily built by the company represented on the name badge. Older tractors had the seats positioned way back nearly over the draw bar , and you could reach control levers on the equipment from the tractor seat. I think you can definitely rule out Case and AC . Possibly a IH item
I will bet on that being an Oliver 470 or 471 spreader. Came out in 1959 140 bushels according to CH Wendels book. That would be a good big spreader at the time. Gotta like the 3 beaters. Never did like a spreader with only 1 beater. Those old spreaders with the 3 beaters did a nice job of breaking up the manure. Cant say as I like the current colour, but heh if you are going to use it whats the difference any colour is better than rust.
I think it’s a new idea model 19 I have one and it looks the same if it is than the model tag should be on right side frame rail at the front
Based on this, if F.m.f could confirm the gear box and main beater bearing support look nearly identical this might indicate that New Idea produced the spreaders for Oliver. Meaning this may also be a New Idea spreader.
Hello J.L. welcome to YT! Thanks for posting but, whatever you did to the font to make it appear so light I would not recommend you repeat that. Did you possibly type out your response in another program and then paste it in here? Clicking the 3 dots to the right of the large T and small T at the top of the text box will give you options to correct the font color so it could be seen more easily.
Hello All, Hoping I can get some help identifying an older manure spreader I purchased. The gentleman I bought it from said he was unsure of the make or model. He did state he painted it blue but was green before he painted. He believes it may have been a New Idea or a Badger.

Things I do know: Apron dimensions approximately 12' L, 55" W, 22" H. Metal trim was originally green. Unit is PTO driven.

Several parts need repair so make and model would be helpful. Thanks in advance!
It’s an Oliver, same as mine but not blue
Based on this, if F.m.f could confirm the gear box and main beater bearing support look nearly identical this might indicate that New Idea produced the spreaders for Oliver. Meaning this may also be a New Idea spreader.
Hello J.L. welcome to YT! Thanks for posting but, whatever you did to the font to make it appear so light I would not recommend you repeat that. Did you possibly type out your response in another program and then paste it in here? Clicking the 3 dots to the right of the large T and small T at the top of the text box will give you options to correct the font color so it could be seen more easily.
I did copy over the text. I had originally wrote in word, then copied and pasted in the forum. I will make sure i do not repeat next time. Thank you!
I will bet on that being an Oliver 470 or 471 spreader. Came out in 1959 140 bushels according to CH Wendels book. That would be a good big spreader at the time. Gotta like the 3 beaters. Never did like a spreader with only 1 beater. Those old spreaders with the 3 beaters did a nice job of breaking up the manure. Cant say as I like the current colour, but heh if you are going to use it whats the difference any colour is better than rust.
I believe you are correct on the make, model, and year. After reviewing several Google photos everything matches with mine. You just made my night! Appreciate your response. Spread a couple loads tonight and those 3 beaters work great. With the info you gave I will now be able to source the correct parts and begin the process of preventative maintenance. Thanks again!

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