Need Front Axle Support for D17


I realized my Front Axle Casting (Bolster) Support is broken out the top. Do any of you Know of a salvage yard that might have a good one?

Mine is worn pretty bad and I dont know about repairing it. So I want an option.

I'm having trouble getting into the AGCO parts book for a number; so any one Know the Correct number for the Front axle support.

My Axle pivot pin is badly worn but I will be making that myself.

Thank You
I realized my Front Axle Casting (Bolster) Support is broken out the top. Do any of you Know of a salvage yard that might have a good one?

Mine is worn pretty bad and I dont know about repairing it. So I want an option.

I'm having trouble getting into the AGCO parts book for a number; so any one Know the Correct number for the Front axle support.

My Axle pivot pin is badly worn but I will be making that myself.

Thank You
Location- location-location?
I know they're some earlier posts of people repairing their Front Axle support.

Do any of you remember how you repaired it ?

What types of weld repair did you use and did it hold.
Do you have a good Axle Support Casting for sale ?
I live in Illinois.
You can check with PartsASAP, parent company of YT. I think they have some salvage yards in your part of the country.

A picture of your support's damage may help with repair ideas. If it is just worn a machine shop could bore the hole oversize and bush it back to standard. Not sure if the early ones used a bushing, but the parts book shows a bushing (70233368) for that location.
You can check with PartsASAP, parent company of YT. I think they have some salvage yards in your part of the country.

A picture of your support's damage may help with repair ideas. If it is just worn a machine shop could bore the hole oversize and bush it back to standard. Not sure if the early ones used a bushing, but the parts book shows a bushing (70233368) for that location.

My Support is completely Broken out at the bushing hole. It is U shaped. There is nothing to bore out and weld.

I have been thinking of different options all stinking Day but haven't came up with a good one yet.

My problem is I am concerned about the type of material the Front bolster Axle Support is made from. For some reason I am thinking its a cast steel; and not a cast iron.

I have made the front axle pin and replaced it on a D19 about 20 years ago; but on that tractor the front bolster Axle Support was in excellent shape.
My Support is completely Broken out at the bushing hole. It is U shaped. There is nothing to bore out and weld.

I have been thinking of different options all stinking Day but haven't came up with a good one yet.

My problem is I am concerned about the type of material the Front bolster Axle Support is made from. For some reason I am thinking its a cast steel; and not a cast iron.

I have made the front axle pin and replaced it on a D19 about 20 years ago; but on that tractor the front bolster Axle Support was in excellent shape.
Have you called any salvage yards yet? Calling is the best way; in general, most do not keep all their salvage inventory listed on their websites salvage yards.

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