Need help IH 544 utility gas distributor and oil pump


New User
Helping a friend with a 544 utility with a c-200 gas? Long story short he had to bore it .060 over and it’s all gone good till we got to the distributor and oil pump going in. I’m primarily a 2 cylinder guy so this is all new to me. He got a book but it doesn’t explain very well and he knows absolutely nothing. Any help is appreciated

Rotate the engine over to top dead center, rotate the distributor till it is at #1 position and assemble the distributor in the motor. start the engine and time.
Rotate the engine over to top dead center
Number one at top dead center valves timed for compression, so NOT #1 at TDC of the exhaust stroke.
Edit: I should reply more on the distributor position. Hopefully he paid attention to the way the distributor was clocked on the engine. If he didn’t hopefully then spark plug wires are still on the distributor cap. Then you can hold them up and get an idea what the position was that doesn’t stress the wires. Then you can see where the distributor need to be set when put back in. If the spark plug wires were all pulled then hopefully there is a number marking for terminal one on the cap. If possible I would place the 1 terminal at the 1 o’clock position. Then work around from there clockwise 1-3-4-2. You also need to be aware of there is an alignment notch between the distributor cap and the housing to clock the cap properly.
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