Need help John Deere 301-Y gas


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I have a John Deere 301-Y gas motor (3135GT). Tractor will start and run but only for short time, it seems to be running out of fuel in the carb, but the carb bowl is still full, I have rebuilt and cleaned the carb, replaced fuel pump, coil, points, replaced electric fuel switch on carb with a manual one, I can think to do but tractor still sometime starts right up and runs for 2, 5, maybe 10 minutes then spits sputters backfires and dies, sometimes if you pull choke it does make a change sometimes. Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.
Hello Bubba, welcome to YT! How do you know the carb has fuel in it. I guess with a fuel pump it should not add any gas after the engine stops. You need to either get you an inline spark checker that hooks in a plug wire so you can see it firing. Or when it stops you need to get off immediately and do a spark check. Are you aware that on at least the Zenith carb the fitting that the fuel line connects to that screws in the carb has a fine screen that can plug?
Here is a post that shows you how to be able to monitor the fuel level in a carb as the engine runs.
Another post
I have a John Deere 301-Y gas motor (3135GT). Tractor will start and run but only for short time, it seems to be running out of fuel in the carb, but the carb bowl is still full, I have rebuilt and cleaned the carb, replaced fuel pump, coil, points, replaced electric fuel switch on carb with a manual one, I can think to do but tractor still sometime starts right up and runs for 2, 5, maybe 10 minutes then spits sputters backfires and dies, sometimes if you pull choke it does make a change sometimes. Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.

To add to used red MN's info for you.

The fuel pickup/shutoff valve in the bottom of the fuel tank may be plugging. It has a standpipe that provides some filtering. If it still has the original Marvel Schebler carb it is supposed to have a screen attached to the carb side of the inlet fitting. If you have the correct transfer pump, it has the primer lever (gas and diesel used the same pump) when it quits you can break the outlet line and try pumping to see if it is moving fuel. If the fuel level in the tank is above the pump breaking the inlet line to the pump should allow gas to flow freely from the line. If not, in either case, I would suspect the plugging at the tank outlet.

For clarity, you have a basic 301 tractor. The "Y" just designates how it was originally built. Adding the "Y" like this when you describe it can add confusion if used when you look for parts or some may think it is a special model. Here is what it means from the John Deere 301 introduction: Y - GASOLINE, COLLAR SHIFT, WITH REVERSER, WITHOUT LOADER. There should be no alpha in the serial number. JD used a 6 digit serial number. Your serial number might be 031356 T. The 0 is not always shown on the tag or in lists for the early serial numbers. The T means it was built at the Dubuque facility.

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