Need Help on Oliver 2 bottom plow


New User
I recently recovered an old Oliver 2 bottom plow that my Dad and my Grandfather used long ago. The last time it plowed was in about 1966. Amazingly, most of the steel is in very good shape- only the wheels are trashed. And that is partly because my grandfather cut off the steel wheels at the spokes and welded on Model A Ford wheels with tires. Those wheels are rusted to nothing. Dad says that his dad bought the plow second hand in about 1944, so I figure it is a mid-to early 30's piece. (It might be a model 7) I intend to restore it and do some plowing with it, pulling it behind my 1949 Cat D2 dozer (That was also my grandfather's- I restored it about 10 years ago)

What I need help with is finding wheels. Or, if I have to make some, I need to know the correct outside diameter of the wheels- I have been told that the left and right wheels may be different diameters.

I am located in NE Washington State. Any help greatly appreciated!

Trying to post a couple of pics...


  • Plow 1.jpg
    Plow 1.jpg
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  • Plow 2.jpg
    Plow 2.jpg
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Number 7 has a rooster comb lift. I cant see the lift in your photo .
Reference , number 7 were used with Fordson model F tractor . So that was one of the hot set up with early tractors for quite awhile. some had long landslides in the last furrow. some had trailer wheels . The tongue shold longer on the fordson plow also .
Good plow ,very good . should scoured up in short order with chill iron shares. Be very careful these shares they are very brittle due to the hardened chilling process used. chilled iron will last and last . 3 to4 times steel.
grease it up and use it.
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I found this pic looking around the web. I think it is basically the same plow


  • Oliver Plow 1.jpg
    Oliver Plow 1.jpg
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