Need the name of this part.


Well-known Member
I use these 10-32 rod ends on a continuing shop project. Been a while since I ordered a batch of them and have forgotten the SPECIFIC name for them and where I got them, old age memory stinks.
Please look at the picture, I don't need just any rod end, I need this EXACT rod end with the clip that allows it to be disassembled without tools, it has a name I cannot remember. Anyone know what they are called so I can search for another supply of them?? Thanks in advance.


  • 0321240909.jpg
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Also called Quick install ball joint linkage with clip at McMaster-Carr.
Part number is 2695K88

Also called Quick install ball joint linkage with clip at McMaster-Carr.
Part number is 2695K88

Thank you, that's the correct item
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