need to bushhog weeds 2 feet high

jay smith

New User
Hi all. I need to bushhog some weeds down to two feet high. I need to protect the prairie plants under that height. My question is this - is it ok to lift the bushhog up to cut that high? I have a MF 65 and 5 foot bushhog. I checked with a rental dealer and he said that would put too much strain on the lift arms. But I can't cut lower than 2 feet or that will cut off the native prairie plants. I am cultting teasel. Any help appreciated.
It's fine, the lift arms are made to lift. If it's bumpy, take your time and don't go too fast to minimize the mower bouncing around too bad.
Hi all. I need to bushhog some weeds down to two feet high. I need to protect the prairie plants under that height. My question is this - is it ok to lift the bushhog up to cut that high? I have a MF 65 and 5 foot bushhog. I checked with a rental dealer and he said that would put too much strain on the lift arms. But I can't cut lower than 2 feet or that will cut off the native prairie plants. I am cultting teasel. Any help appreciated.
Lower the rear tail wheel all the way down and go slow. Just make sure the pto shaft doesn't rub on the cutter deck and you shouldn't have a problem.
Hi all. I need to bushhog some weeds down to two feet high. I need to protect the prairie plants under that height. My question is this - is it ok to lift the bushhog up to cut that high? I have a MF 65 and 5 foot bushhog. I checked with a rental dealer and he said that would put too much strain on the lift arms. But I can't cut lower than 2 feet or that will cut off the native prairie plants. I am cultting teasel. Any help appreciated.
If your cut height doesn't allow the tail wheel to make contact with the ground, the implement will likely be a bucking bronco. With the tail wheel on the ground then the bush hog has 3 points of contact for stability. IF your 2' height keeps the wheel off the ground, then your relying on the lift links and they naturally have swing. If the bush hog is out of balance it will get worse. Also if you move from thin to thick growth, it can bounce.

Please let us know what you decide and how it goes. Pics would be a plus.
if I understand this ,for safety reason I don’t recommend doing that Lift thing at all .
get. A gleaner combine cheap and run header up it down thru
Are you really suggesting he buy a combine for nothing more than mowing weeds? Talk about making things more difficult than needed.
Hi all. I need to bushhog some weeds down to two feet high. I need to protect the prairie plants under that height. My question is this - is it ok to lift the bushhog up to cut that high? I have a MF 65 and 5 foot bushhog. I checked with a rental dealer and he said that would put too much strain on the lift arms. But I can't cut lower than 2 feet or that will cut off the native prairie plants. I am cultting teasel. Any help appreciated.
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