Need welding advice on broken plow part

Would that be what we called "mallable steel" I welded the main housing on an IH 1200 balanced head mower back in the mid 1970's. It is still holding. Dealer gave us a new part, as it was under warranty, and I never bothered to put it on. I think I may have welded it with a nickle rod, because I thought it was some type of cast. Looks like the same type of metal.

Good luck, Gene
I'll try it again. I saw the picture in the preview so don't know what happened. This is only my 2nd time trying to post a picture on this new software.View attachment 83970
I guess I may be blind but I do not see any thing that is broke. I see the tail wheel axle and the short landslide.
I found this tonight on my JD plows when I brought them up to the shop to change plow shares. Don't know how long its been broke but I think I would have seen it last time I used them when I went to grease the fitting thats right there. I need to decide if I can weld it or have to take it somewhere. I have a stick welder but not the greatest welder around. If I try it is it possible I will run into enough cast to make welding it tougher than normal steel? I think the plow is a 55H model which I'm thinking is 1950's or so. Plow originally had Syracuse bottoms if that helps date it. If you don't think it will pose a problem for me to try what rod do you recommend?
The parts are still available there are two parts to make the landslide. Do a search for A16495 and A16493. Looks like Shoup has than as others.
Here's the follow up to all the ideas and advice everyone gave. I tried the spark test, looked orange to me so I took a chance it is cast steel. Decided I didn't really have time to play with it so I took it off the plow and to a guy at the museum where I volunteer and is a pretty good welder. He prepped it, welded it with 7018 rod as was suggested, no preheat or anything else other that cutting a V on both sides before welding. It welded up real well. I also had him make a plate to go over the 3 bolts in the area for extra support and its ready to put back on the plow. I'll get the part back on and the new plow shares and it will be ready to go behind my M again to do some fall plowing in about a month. For the discussion that came up about the rear land slide, I don't think that is the correct one for the last bottom but its the one that has been on the plow since 1990 so I'm not going to loose sleep over it. This plow takes a beating with the large rocks that get hit several times in any field I plow so I'm not surprised something has broken. Thanks to everyone for the advice.

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