Never saw this before

I walked into a truck repair shop and found this beast. Looks like a Minnie engine. I think both halves have a transmission, so both may need to be shifted to change speeds.


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It's a Cummins engine.
One of the guys in the shop tried to tell me it was and early venture into the 4 wheel drive market. I never heard the Coleman name associated with Minneapolis Moline. The wheel hubs did look like some that Minnie used.
The beast is not real big on creature comforts.
Someone getting it repaired? Or a personal project for one of the techs? Lots of nice new hoses. Kinda unusual for someone to bring in a vintage machine like that for service.
Zooming in on the front under the rad, it looks like it has been cobbled up for decades.
Maybe just somebody's self propelled junk yard on wheels.
One of the guys in the shop tried to tell me it was and early venture into the 4 wheel drive market. I never heard the Coleman name associated with Minneapolis Moline. The wheel hubs did look like some that Minnie used.
The beast is not real big on creature comforts.
Some MMs had Coleman axles on some FWA tractors. Actually may have been a dealer installed option.
I knew a fellow who had a Coleman dump truck here in NH. He had it at one of the fairs where we had an antique tractor pull. I arranged for him to get a hook with it. He did well. The Coleman Co. was in Littleton CO, and they developed their own front wheel drive axle which was a design different from others. They sold a lot of them to farm tractor manufacturers. I found a reference to them building a farm tractor in a museum write-up, but nothing specific and no pictures. The radiator on this tractor looks just like the ones on the trucks.
I walked into a truck repair shop and found this beast. Looks like a Minnie engine. I think both halves have a transmission, so both may need to be shifted to change speeds.
Looks like a Moline Stuttgart tractor that has been repowered. Everything except the engine and radiator are correct. Rare tractor. They didn’t build very many. Made at a dealer in Stuttgart Arkansas for use in rice production and Moline used design elements from it for the A4T tractors.
From 2008 here: "And boy could I have fun at the Plow Days with that. It has a old Cummins engine and the story is that the farmer that bought it bought 2 other ones just like it. Just loved the old cummins engine they said." Frank

Re-powers or simply a piece of the Stuttgart puzzle? Couldn't get MM 605's for a time?
There may be a couple three down south of me in a yard, perhaps all with different fenders. ?
I walked into a truck repair shop and found this beast. Looks like a Minnie engine. I think both halves have a transmission, so both may need to be shifted to change speeds.
I saw another picture of this once at my tractor club. I think it was a Moline dealer in Arkansas that made 30 or 40 of these in his shop probably circa early 1950s. It was before any other 4 wheel articulated tractors. He used two U rear ends and an irrigation motor to join together and make this tractor. I'm not sure he even called it MM since it wasn't factory.

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