New aluminum distributors any good.


Well-known Member
Just curious if any has put some time on a tractor with the new distributors. I installed one for a guy but don't think he uses tractor much. One guy said he never could get his tractor to run right with one. Pins and weights are shot on mine(1942 H), I use this tractor for moving snow and tractor rides. Let me know thanks chris.
Buy a good used go to is JP tractor 😀 ....huge IH salvage yard.


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The descriptions for the new distributors list a zillion models that they fit. The ignition advance specs for those models vary a lot. One replacement distributor can't be right for all of them. That variation could be enough to explain "never could get his tractor to run right". If I had a distributor that couldn't be reasonably fixed, I would look for a used one from the right model(s). It would help if the description of the replacement units listed the advance built into them. At least then you could make a buy decision based on knowing what you are getting into.

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