new flower pot well maybe?

tom upton

Just picked up my new to me spreader that I convinced the wife we needed to put flowers in! I am looking at this thing thinking its in way too nice of shape to plant flowers in?? Plus almost a disgrace to the Oliver name to simply retire this thing to a spot on the front lawn and fill it full of flowers!! Although original use didnt give it much glory. I am not really into tractor parades or anything so what else do yo do with an old Oliver spreader? Maybe I will just oil it up and stow it away in the back corner of shed?


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Just picked up my new to me spreader that I convinced the wife we needed to put flowers in! I am looking at this thing thinking its in way too nice of shape to plant flowers in?? Plus almost a disgrace to the Oliver name to simply retire this thing to a spot on the front lawn and fill it full of flowers!! Although original use didnt give it much glory. I am not really into tractor parades or anything so what else do yo do with an old Oliver spreader? Maybe I will just oil it up and stow it away in the back corner of shed?
Nice looking unit. I use my Oliver/Cockshutt spreader to spread compost and wood chips on an area that I am building up. I travel real slow so as not to throw the material too far.
Just picked up my new to me spreader that I convinced the wife we needed to put flowers in! I am looking at this thing thinking its in way too nice of shape to plant flowers in?? Plus almost a disgrace to the Oliver name to simply retire this thing to a spot on the front lawn and fill it full of flowers!! Although original use didnt give it much glory. I am not really into tractor parades or anything so what else do yo do with an old Oliver spreader? Maybe I will just oil it up and stow it away in the back corner of shed?
Nice looking spreader. I'll bet someone would like it to take to shows and parades.

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