new google earth


Well-known Member
Just looked at my place on google earth, I can see my pickup in the drive count the goats in the back and see my team of Belgians in the pasture. When you can see a goat from space that is scary, big brother is watching us.
Maybe I better check my place again. Last time i looked it had a picture from about two years ago when I was still working, and was home with the truck.
I just down loaded the new version, it does zoom in a lot closer and a lot clearer. If this is what is open to us, just think how good it really is.
One should remember that the close up views you are seeing are photos from an airplane flying over your home around 3500 to 4500 feet. Its NOT from space. GPS attachment to aircraft just like they do the SUV driving streets. FYI...
What's scary is that county governments use the views of your property to enforce zoning and tax laws. Big brother on steroids!
Nice clarity on Bing Maps yes.

For our area, judging from the season and the state of the barn we build last year, Bing Maps seems to be about 16 months old - 11/2009 maybe? Google Earth looks to be about 8/2010...
I just look at some of my fields using both and the google is far newer the bing is really old, over 2 years at least.
(quoted from post at 06:21:14 02/18/11) What's scary is that county governments use the views of your property to enforce zoning and tax laws. Big brother on steroids!

Why is anything that makes it harder to commit crimes a BAD thing?
The problem satellites have isn't magnification, a few hundred power is easy with a telescope and low earth orbit is only about 125 miles.

What limits satellites is the atmosphere. The lowest 5000 feet or so are murky with dust, water vapor, heat shimmer, etc. In order to get really fine resolution you need to be fairly low to the ground.

Of course image enhancement is getting better all the time so who knows how good the view from space really is? Ground based telescopes are getting as good as Hubble, and the military satellites are probably the same size as Hubble (because that's what fit in the Shuttle!)
I just checked out Birds Eye View. I don't know about N. America but the UK aerial photos are WAY out of date compared with Google Earth. For example I looked at my house and it looks to be before 2000 at least.
"What's scary is that county governments use the views of your property to enforce zoning and tax laws."

I want all my neighbors to pay their fair share of taxes. I already am.
Just downloaded it and the pic of my place is at least 5 years old. Shows the property as it was before we built our house in 06.
If you poke around Google earth you'll find a disclaimer that says that the pix used to make up the globe can be as much as 3-5 years old or more.
That's why it was so funny when that millionaire out west disappeared and crashed a few years ago people rushed home to their computers to help in the search efforts. They could've been looking at 3-5 year old pictures and not found a thing because he wasn't there yet. I do not know how often the pictures are upgraded. Some faster than others I'd expect.
I noticed that UK pictures seem to be Sept 2008 for Google Earth. For those that think Google Earth or Bing is an invasion of privacy, check out Streetview. You ain't seen nothing yet! Although they do blur out faces and vehicle registration plates.
I just got on Bing maps and checked my house (in Toledo Ohio) it must have been pretty recent because my Firebird is in the driveway and it was only out a few times last year. But I checked my farm (in Michigan 10 miles up the road) and it looked like an older picture, and I couldn't zoom in nearly as far.
Just checked my work on Google must not have been updated in FOREVER, because it shows our old building. That got demolished, and our new building has been up for at least 6 years now.

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