New Holland 7060 round baler hydraulic problem


Well-known Member
Everything works as it should except that the hydraulic cylinders will not unlock and lift the gate. Got it to work by bleeding a little oil out of the top fittings on the lift cylinders. Was able to cycle the door up and down a few times and then it will quit. Lift cylinders start to lift and stop working. Tractor is a White 2-135 and hoses have been switched every which way, and they jerk when the lever is pulled. Bought this baler at an auction a week ago and this is probably why the owner sold it. Manual doesn't help, just says inadequate hydraulic pressure, but tractor will easily lift a heavy disc. Thanks for any ideas on this problem.
Everything works as it should except that the hydraulic cylinders will not unlock and lift the gate. Got it to work by bleeding a little oil out of the top fittings on the lift cylinders. Was able to cycle the door up and down a few times and then it will quit. Lift cylinders start to lift and stop working. Tractor is a White 2-135 and hoses have been switched every which way, and they jerk when the lever is pulled. Bought this baler at an auction a week ago and this is probably why the owner sold it. Manual doesn't help, just says inadequate hydraulic pressure, but tractor will easily lift a heavy disc. Thanks for any ideas on this problem.

Are the tailgate locks releasing
Had some cheapo hydraulic male couplers on an 855 baler.
They worked fine on 2 other tractors, but when I tried it on an 8700 I bought, the flow was so minimal you thought it wasn't working.
Put some good tips on the hoses, worked fine.
Everything works as it should except that the hydraulic cylinders will not unlock and lift the gate. Got it to work by bleeding a little oil out of the top fittings on the lift cylinders. Was able to cycle the door up and down a few times and then it will quit. Lift cylinders start to lift and stop working. Tractor is a White 2-135 and hoses have been switched every which way, and they jerk when the lever is pulled. Bought this baler at an auction a week ago and this is probably why the owner sold it. Manual doesn't help, just says inadequate hydraulic pressure, but tractor will easily lift a heavy disc. Thanks for any ideas on this problem.
Just for chits and giggles, change the ends first before looking elsewhere.
Everything works as it should except that the hydraulic cylinders will not unlock and lift the gate. Got it to work by bleeding a little oil out of the top fittings on the lift cylinders. Was able to cycle the door up and down a few times and then it will quit. Lift cylinders start to lift and stop working. Tractor is a White 2-135 and hoses have been switched every which way, and they jerk when the lever is pulled. Bought this baler at an auction a week ago and this is probably why the owner sold it. Manual doesn't help, just says inadequate hydraulic pressure, but tractor will easily lift a heavy disc. Thanks for any ideas on this problem.
When you did get them to work, would they stay up on their own or drift down? It almost sounds like a problem within the cylinder itself, especially if the previous owner had the same problem. I wonder if the seal inside the cylinder is bad, allowing oil to flow past without making the cylinder lift the gate.
I have a BR7070 that has the same plumbing as yours, unfortunately my binder with the baler manual along with my square balers and knotter manual are loaned to a friend at this time

I have better luck insuring hydraulic flow with the extended tip couplings, make sure the tailgate safety valve on the left side is all to way in out out, mine is sticky and I have to tap it with a hammer at times when working on the baler with the tail gate open, with the safety in the proper position when you start to raise the tailgate make sure the lock indicator moves on the front panel, then check the locks to make sure they are unlatched
I cannot point and say this is your problem, I’ve owned 2 NH round balers since 2003 making nearly 20k bales and have not experienced the issue your having

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