New Idea 5209 one turtle not turning


New User
I just bought a New Idea 5209 (grey) at an auction and just my luck I started it up when I got it home and the outside turtle doesn"t turn. What can I do to fix this? Its my first discbine and don"t know a whole lot about them.
I'd say shaft and gear set in that module.... Not uncommon. I'd put the bearings in it too while its apart. I've got a red one going in the shop Monday for the same thing.
I'm sure case ih would sell you a service and or owners manual, probably about close in price to the Agco price:

NI manuals
Yep, shaft bearings, gear set and an awful lot of labor. My guess is the parts will total more than you paid for the machine. The good part is ir may only last 2 or three days of mowing. enery little rock or debris may do the same thing. Before you start in you may want to check that the other units are operating at 90 degree intervals. Will indicate if the current shaft has been twisted. My happiest day was when I got rid of that discbine and got my MacDon sickle machine. My cost of operation is minmal compared to what I was spending and the regrowth of a sickle machine is at least 2-3 days faster.
If its been updated to the multi-segment shaft you should be able to repair just that module. If not its a bit of work to pull the long shaft out and replace it. If its been twisted its even more work cutting it apart.

I've got the IH version too but mine isn't twisted too bad yet.
Well, if you plan on keeping the machine, I would buy an operators manual and service manual , part number 79017090. After you have familiarized yourself with the inner working of the machine, check the knife registration of each working disc drive unit... per previous comments and per the manual. This may indicate a very worn and/or twisted hex shaft. 5209 serial number 18838 and later have the segmented hex shaft. Your "gray" machine is a very early 5209 and will not have this segmented feature.. unless the whole cutter-bar has been replaced/disambled along the way. I suppose the drive gear or the driven gear could have broken somehow, but my money is on a busted hex shaft.. a time consuming job that will test your mechanical skills, patience and reading comprehension capabilities. Most of these machine's disc drive units were not greased as per the manual.. every 500 acres the drive hub must be removed and EPO grease added. Late models have grease fittings. Failure to perform this maintenance chore will result in hot running and gear wear/bearing failure. My 5209 takes me about 5-6 hours to add the EPO grease, check/adjust the registration and backlash, sharpen the knives, etc... and we do it after 300 acres of use. I replaced the hex shaft a few years back... I'll trade the 5209 before I do that again.

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