New Life for an Old Gleaner "A2"

John B.

Well-known Member
After pulling a people mover wagon for 17 years with a tractor I always thought of building a self-propelled people mover to use at our local shows. Then the decision was made to find an old combine that would have the axles that were needed. Two years after joining the American Farm Heritage Day Museum in Greenville IL., they said they had an old Gleaner combine they wanted to scrap. I submitted the idea to the board members and made a drawing. Some thought it was a good idea then there were some skeptical and thought I was crazy. Well they gave me the go-ahead to do it. It was a giant Erector set that the pieces didn't have any pre-punched holes. After burning up 2 drills all the holes got drilled. I want to share some of the pictures of from start to finish. It took a little over 15 months to finish. It included every night after work no matter what the temperature was, all day on holidays and every weekend except 3.
First of all, Thank you for your compliment!
I do have an electric fuel pump mounted underneath not too far away from the fuel tank. It is wired to a toggle switch to use on a "as needed basis". The manual pump on the engine works fine without having to turn the electric pump on. If it sets for a few weeks, we always turn the electric pump on and run it for a bit. Bubbles can be seen thru the fuel line if it sits for a few weeks and the electric pump is turned on. After that we turn the switch off.
This "A2" did not have steering assist. I don't know if that was an option on this model or not. I did add it thinking we would need it. One of the museum members donated a whole steer axle off of a Gleaner "M" machine. I just used the cylinder off of it. He also donated steering linkage/rods with a built-in steering valve. The valve was sitting outside, and we found out it doesn't work. It does let oil enter the valve and then return to the reservoir but does not send oil to the assist cylinder. From what research I've done on the valve it's not serviceable. I haven't tried to take it apart yet.
I did not go hydrostatic. It has the original drive axle with the 3 speeds forward and 1 reverse transmission. It does have the variable speed which gets used a lot.
I like what I see...did you scrap remaining body of A2...I may need some sheaves to change my A2 that came with a grain head to a cornhead...the cylinder runs too fast..can you help>
Hello John, Yes, we scrapped the machine. Isn't the drive pulley (on the right-hand side while sitting in the seat) that runs your cylinder adjustable or variable by manually changing it?

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