New Old Gehl Video With Lots of JD Power

Absent Minded Farmer

Well-known Member
This one has some green tractors in it that I miss seeing out earning their keep. I really like the 8840 on the chopper in the beginning. He's cruising through that corn!! Speaking of beginning, the first images are of a Gehl FH80 with the power unit on a John Deere R. That must have made quite the noise. Later in the video is an IH 5288 with MFWD & what looks to be an AC 8070? I'm sure one of the orange pro's knows.

As for the Gehl equipment in the video.... it really is amazing how much corn they were squeezing through that 1260. I also like the footage of the equipment at work in this video. There was a lot of Gehl equipment at work in this area at that time & seeing everything new & shiny again brought back some great memories.



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New Holland and Deere were the heavyweights around here for silage and hay chopping and baling work. Gehl was not thought real highly of around here. Might have been because both were sold by the same Allis Chalmers dealer. then when they closed the Ford dealer got the New Holland contract and Gehl was lost in the shuffle. Ih and Case dealers took on some of the slack and Deere was not going to be bothered with short lines when they already had the full line of equipment back then.
R on a forage chopper seems unusual to me. Interesting they used JD tractors to pull their equipment. Being a major competitor you think they would have used a different brand so JD didn't get free advertisement.

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