New shed is done

They Finnished my new shed yesterday.

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Was surprised to find the doors were framed with steel. Builder says it's stringer that way, sure looks good.

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Even got the first case in.

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Next summer I'll have to fill in to bring the grade up. But I'm excited to get stuff in that needs it.
Very nice, jonf!! You will love it!

The year we built our new shed - it was put up in January too (2023, I think). It is amazing how fast a good crew can "git 'er did"!
We had to do a bunch of fill too - but it's good... our gravel floor stays dry since the shed is higher than the yard.
Jon, my son put up a shop on our farm in 2016, same size as your building 40X60X14, I remember hauling my toolbox down from our old garage on the forks of the 530 I've got drove right in and turned a circle the shop seemed so big. But they do fill up. He also had a 18 foot wide lean to added on each side we use for keeping tractors and equipment out of the weather. There is nothing better than keeping your stuff out of the weather. You will definately never regret putting that building up. Just too bad they have gotten so expensive.
I don't plan on it, it's just made for it if I change my mind
I wasn't going to run electricity to my building, but boy is it dark in there! Then I found I was frequently needing to boost something. So just one 20 amp/120V circuit -enough to run a battery charger/starter, plug in a block heater, or illuminate some LED's, did the trick.
Wow- them's generous centers ! Trust no code to bother with. Never heard somebody say: "man I wished I used smaller Posts, Trusses on wider centers and saved on the carriage bolts... "Lest we forget: The bitterness of poor quality remains after the sweetness of Low Price is forgotten."
Jon, my son put up a shop on our farm in 2016, same size as your building 40X60X14, I remember hauling my toolbox down from our old garage on the forks of the 530 I've got drove right in and turned a circle the shop seemed so big. But they do fill up. He also had a 18 foot wide lean to added on each side we use for keeping tractors and equipment out of the weather. There is nothing better than keeping your stuff out of the weather. You will definately never regret putting that building up. Just too bad they have gotten so expensive.
I don't remember where I heard it, but I always think of this quote when people talk about sheds-"You pay for a shed, whether you own one or not."
They Finnished my new shed yesterday.

View attachment 100092View attachment 100093

Was surprised to find the doors were framed with steel. Builder says it's stringer that way, sure looks good.

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Even got the first case in.

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Next summer I'll have to fill in to bring the grade up. But I'm excited to get stuff in that needs it.
I am curios why the area was not built up and leveled before the building was put up. I would think it would be a real pain and harder to pack up close to the building and will be settling for years under the walls. I have seen sheds that stay like this and it keeps rodents out a bit and air flowing though.
They Finnished my new shed yesterday.

View attachment 100092View attachment 100093

Was surprised to find the doors were framed with steel. Builder says it's stringer that way, sure looks good.

View attachment 100094

Even got the first case in.

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Next summer I'll have to fill in to bring the grade up. But I'm excited to get stuff in that needs it.
Always fun to put up a new building and then get to use it. Seems like it is always too small when you start to put stuff into it! Looks great!
I wasn't going to run electricity to my building, but boy is it dark in there! Then I found I was frequently needing to boost something. So just one 20 amp/120V circuit -enough to run a battery charger/starter, plug in a block heater, or illuminate some LED's, did the trick.
I do have plans to run power out there for that reason and some light in the winter. Hope to get to that next summer
I am curios why the area was not built up and leveled before the building was put up. I would think it would be a real pain and harder to pack up close to the building and will be settling for years under the walls. I have seen sheds that stay like this and it keeps rodents out a bit and air flowing though.
The builder asked me not to build it up before so it was easier to build. His lift wouldn't have worked on the slanted sides to work on the building. Plus he says loose dirt makes it hard to drill the holes for posts. Made sense to me after he said it.
Mine is 40' x 60' also, and about 13' high. Had it built about 20 or so years ago. Posts and trusses are about 7 1/2 ft. apart. We used scissors trusses to get a little extra height in the center, not that I need it for any of my equipment. The drawback to that is the angle braces they put on those cuts the clearance height at the very outside to about 8' or so. But again, not a problem with my stuff.
The ridge cap is a skylight. I don't have electricity in it, but it's close enough to the house that I can run an extension cord out there for a battery charger if I need it.

I purchased a Northland Building about 7 years ago. The crew that put it up were from Pine City. It was done in the winter and they did a super job.
I had a 30 x 50 pole building with 10 ' walls built in 2004 for 10k. Added a 30 x 60 with 16' walls stick built with block foundation and crete for 65k in 2019.

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