new to me wd45

Keith Molden

Well-known Member
I just bought a WD 45 the other day. It wouldn't run and the guy had rebuilt the carb on it, seems like instead of checking the problem, the first thing people want to do is rebuild the carb. I pulled the carb apart and put it back together properly, drained the water out of the sediment bowl, put gas in it, charged the battery and it started and ran like it should. It is just about show quality but he has put a 3 point on it after removing the snap coupler, which he gave me, because he says the snap coupler is dangerous and the tractor will flip over backwards. Needless to say, he has never owned a tractor or worked on them either. I tried it out and the hand clutch, foot clutch and brakes all work as they should. I was planning on fixing it and selling it but now I'm thinking I might just keep it along with my WD. I guess even a blind hog can find an acorn once in awhile
I just bought a WD 45 the other day. It wouldn't run and the guy had rebuilt the carb on it, seems like instead of checking the problem, the first thing people want to do is rebuild the carb. I pulled the carb apart and put it back together properly, drained the water out of the sediment bowl, put gas in it, charged the battery and it started and ran like it should. It is just about show quality but he has put a 3 point on it after removing the snap coupler, which he gave me, because he says the snap coupler is dangerous and the tractor will flip over backwards. Needless to say, he has never owned a tractor or worked on them either. I tried it out and the hand clutch, foot clutch and brakes all work as they should. I was planning on fixing it and selling it but now I'm thinking I might just keep it along with my WD. I guess even a blind hog can find an acorn once in awhile
Congratulations. Even though those carb's are simple, I get a sick feeling when someone says they "rebuilt" one. There are some little pieces in there that shouldn't be messed up, or lost!
I found quite a nice WD45 a few years ago and bought it just because it was so straight. The brakes didn't work, and I assumed they were shot. I got into them, and they were fine, just way out of adjustment. I used it around here a few years with a bush hog until the nostalgia wore off, then moved up to a newer tractor. I found I didn't like the seat as much as I did 60 years ago!
I just bought a WD 45 the other day. It wouldn't run and the guy had rebuilt the carb on it, seems like instead of checking the problem, the first thing people want to do is rebuild the carb. I pulled the carb apart and put it back together properly, drained the water out of the sediment bowl, put gas in it, charged the battery and it started and ran like it should. It is just about show quality but he has put a 3 point on it after removing the snap coupler, which he gave me, because he says the snap coupler is dangerous and the tractor will flip over backwards. Needless to say, he has never owned a tractor or worked on them either. I tried it out and the hand clutch, foot clutch and brakes all work as they should. I was planning on fixing it and selling it but now I'm thinking I might just keep it along with my WD. I guess even a blind hog can find an acorn once in awhile
It sounds like a keeper, a WD and a 45, what could be better!
Hey congrats! That's the first one I bought also. Now 6 tractors later!
That isn't my first one, I had a WC a long time ago and now have a52 WD that I resurrected several years ago with power steering that we still use raking hay. I have 8 tractors in all these days and will probably have an auction either this fall or next spring and sell everything including most of my shop tools. I'm getting a little old to be farming these days.

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