Northeast Pa. Antique tractor and equipment show

Adrian Billheimer

Well-known Member
Preservers of the Past show coming up this weekend Sept. 15-17, in NE Pa. I-80 Exit 256 for Rt. 93 south towards Conyngham, on Rt.93 take first left onto St. Johns Rd. go two miles to Burger's Farm Market, we will be set up in the hay field behind the market.
We will have lots of antique tractors and equipment, with demonstrations, tractor games, flea market, and good food.
Show starts at noon on Friday and 9 am Sat. and Sun.
Look for me if you come, I'll be running the tractor games. Hope to see you there.
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Hi Steve, it's 371 St. Johns Rd. Drums, Pa. 18222, Sorry I didn't get back sooner, been there all day mowing and setting up the grounds.

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