Now that it's over

We start Nov 16. Got this picture from the tree my nephew and I put his stand in on Sunday. Hopefully I will have some Christmas trees that survive this guy's rubbing.


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Its been open here for I think 3 weeks now. I dont hunt anymore, but one of the renters brought me a couple of, I think he said ribeyes, last night. Probably grill them tonight.
Archery opened 2 weeks ago Saturday. I got mine with my little crossbow as the sun came up first day, little forked horn. Got a 3 point with rifle last Saturday, had to wait an hour after sunrise that time. With left arm strapped to body and arm in sling, me at the picnic table for both of them. I got 2 turkeys opening day, one cross bow, one shotgun, from the same place. They still come with-in 6' as they wander through the yard. Yesterday there were 50 of them. Could pet a deer from the kitchen window 4-5 times a day as they stroll through. They have to check the crab apple tree every day even though the last apple fell weeks ago....James
We’ve had bow season since first week of September, modern gun season starts Saturday
Unfortunately we had our first case of CWD on a deer farm in our county recently
Going to a Fish and Game meeting Thursday to see what requirements are going to be for taking deer this year
c wasting diseaseCan we get back to talking about deer hunting?
Our rifle opener is this Saturday.
Most important day of the year.
I can't wait.
Was just reading a long article about chronic wasting disease (CWD} in deer and how WI has the highest incidence ,40-60% ,and how they have given up non trying to control it . They just continue to test for it in deer killed to keep the meat safe ,but it discourages hunting. Article said only state to successfully have it stopped was New York.
We’ve had bow season since first week of September, modern gun season starts Saturday
Unfortunately we had our first case of CWD on a deer farm in our county recently
Going to a Fish and Game meeting Thursday to see what requirements are going to be for taking deer this year

We lived in Hardin Co for 5-6years more than a decade ago. The hunting was good.

Moved back closer to mom and dad in central KY now. Hunting is good here too.

What are your thoughts on KDFWR actions taken this year to mitigate CDW spread?

I see they have an exclusion zone in Hardin, Brek, and I think Meade.

There also seams to be some empirical data that a deer heard generally turns over in 3.5yrs and the fatal gestational period of CDW is ~5yrs. Basically deer die of other causes before succumbing to CDW.
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Was just reading a long article about chronic wasting disease (CWD} in deer and how WI has the highest incidence ,40-60% ,and how they have given up non trying to control it . They just continue to test for it in deer killed to keep the meat safe ,but it discourages hunting. Article said only state to successfully have it stopped was New York.
That is high!
Can we get back to talking about deer hunting?
Our rifle opener is this Saturday.
Most important day of the year.
I can't wait.
We’ve had bow season since first week of September, modern gun season starts Saturday
Unfortunately we had our first case of CWD on a deer farm in our county recently
Going to a Fish and Game meeting Thursday to see what requirements are going to be for taking deer this year
not sure why they worry about CWD they can't do anything about it any way.
We’ve had bow season since first week of September, modern gun season starts Saturday
Unfortunately we had our first case of CWD on a deer farm in our county recently
Going to a Fish and Game meeting Thursday to see what requirements are going to be for taking deer this year
Not CWD, but we are seeing a doe in our neighborhood with absolutely no meat below the mid-joint on her right rear leg. Bare bone from the "knee" down. She's had some sort of injury to her leg. I'm surprised the coyotes haven't gotten her. It would be humane for someone to put her down. She's struggling.

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