Old fashioned fool with an old fashioned tool

Ultradog MN

Well-known Member
Twin Cities
The natural gas company is coming tomorrow to upgrade our service.
They will pierce a new underground line from the street to the front of the house and replace the meter in the basement with a new one outside.
We had enough gas to power what we had - water heater, dryer, stove and furnace but not enough to add another furnace.
Once the upgrade is done I can run a line from the back of the house to the garage.
Kind of a wet nasty day but I got the trench for that dug this morning.
The ground will be freezing up soon here so I'm happy to get this done and have heat in my shop at last. It went pretty well. Code says 18". I went a little deeper than that. About 24 feet of trench in all.


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The natural gas company is coming tomorrow to upgrade our service.
They will pierce a new underground line from the street to the front of the house and replace the meter in the basement with a new one outside.
We had enough gas to power what we had - water heater, dryer, stove and furnace but not enough to add another furnace.
Once the upgrade is done I can run a line from the back of the house to the garage.
Kind of a wet nasty day but I got the trench for that dug this morning.
The ground will be freezing up soon here so I'm happy to get this done and have heat in my shop at last. It went pretty well. Code says 18". I went a little deeper than that. About 24 feet of trench in all.
Looks like a brand new railroad/rock/pinch bar laying against the building
The natural gas company is coming tomorrow to upgrade our service.
They will pierce a new underground line from the street to the front of the house and replace the meter in the basement with a new one outside.
We had enough gas to power what we had - water heater, dryer, stove and furnace but not enough to add another furnace.
Once the upgrade is done I can run a line from the back of the house to the garage.
Kind of a wet nasty day but I got the trench for that dug this morning.
The ground will be freezing up soon here so I'm happy to get this done and have heat in my shop at last. It went pretty well. Code says 18". I went a little deeper than that. About 24 feet of trench in all.
Be nice to have the shop warm! Ron MN
Speaking of old-fashoned tools, I have a digging tool that has an adjustable straight wood handle can be adjusted to angle the head that is a double-ended tile spade on the end, I guess so you can either push it or pull in a ditch. Anyone ever seen one of these? It was my FIL's when he died in 2001 @ 79.
Keep that picture! Years from now the exact location will otherwise be forgotten, and if you sell, transfer the picture with the deed so the new owner knows.
I remember the year I had Old Faithful in my front yard. I'd forgotten exactly where it was buried and the septic tank company ripped up the city water line when installing the leach field. It was amazing how much water comes out of a !" line @ 110PSI.
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The "old fashioned " digging tool sounds like a tile crummer.
They are used to clean out dirt left in a tile ditch after the
tiling machine has dug the trench.

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