Old ih grain truck parts availability

Nick m

I came across a very nice 74 ih 1800 for sale. Very nice truck. Very little rust. Live tandom, nice box and hoist. Drives/runs/stops nice. Says transmission was gone through a couple years ago, engine has about 15k on it, has 109k on the tach. 5x3 transmission. I think he said 392 engine. I was warned parts for these are getting hard to find. Clutches, brake parts(hydrolic) etc. Anyone have experience with working on these recently. Really want a newer diesel, but figure this can get me by for a while.
I had a 1600 and napa got me everything I needed for the brakes. They are rugged old trucks and besides leaking brake parts I never did much to it. I updated to diesel with air brakes or I would still be using it.
I am an IH guy. I build ,buy, drive and work on them quite a bit and nothing about that engine hard to come by, thousands of old school bus engine parted around and most of the drive line is easy to come buy. Things like door latches ect junk yard, I think you will be OK.
"Clutches, brake parts(hydraulic) are getting hard to find."

Those parts are all "generic", and "mostly" not Binder-specific.

The 'net, or a good parts store or a "clutch and brake" place won't have any more trouble getting 'em than for a Ford or Chevy of the same era.

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