Old memory of an F-12

Long time lurker here, used to post some back several years ago, but haven't posted much in a long time, I just watch all the daily activity from the sidelines. I found this photo that was taken in the early 1960s by me with my plastic body Kodak camera that used 620 film. I was about 9-10 years old at the time. The location is on the outskirts of the town of Almond, NY which is a bit west of Hornell, NY. Southwestern NY area. This is a picture of a picture, so the quality isn't great. The tractor is obviously an F-12 with mounted cultivators. It sat at the edge of a large field near the tree line and hadn't moved in 2-3 years when the picture was taken. There was still a can over the exhaust pipe. The tractor remained there for many years and small trees and brush slowly grew up around it. It had finally disappeared about 15 years ago and I have no clue where it went. Just thought I'd share.
There was a guy up that way from Angelica, NY. that would pull in all the old IH regulars, F-12 F-14 F-20, Some he got running and sold other that were in bad shape he parted out. I had bought some tractor and parts from him this goes back 10-15 years now.
I bet he got it.
That's quite possible. I live quite close to Angelica. I will post some pictures of the F-20s and Regulars I used to have several years back. They are long
gone now. One of the F-20s is still here in my area because I saw that it went back to the family that originally owned it.
Dave - thats a nice part of the state out there. We bought our last snowmobile at Arkport Cycles and had never been further west than Bath before that. Looked like there were still some active farming going on in that area.

I drove NY 21 through Hornell and Almond when I attended SUNY Alfred back during the 1980's. Nice country down there. When I got bored with campus food which was most of the time I went to McDonald's in either Hornell or Wellsville. Alfred Pizzeria had the best chicken wings. I remember it was the fall of 1982 when Hansen's had a yard full of new Case and New Holland equipment. Many times driving by it was like a ghost town. It's been said Hurricane Agnes devastated permanently ruined a lot of ground in Western Steuben and Southern Allegany Counties. Used to be able to short cut by the reservoir. I still miss the area today.
Tim, Yes there is still quite a bit of framing out here still. It's just like most areas, though the majority of small farm operations are long gone, mostly the bigger operators that you see. Still a few small hobby farms hanging on here and there.
Oldiron29, I sold an F-20 and a bunch of parts to a guy that lived in Angelica back about that many years ago. I wonder if he flipped it. Thats pretty much what I did
with it. The head was off and pistons, rods removed when I got it and sold it. Had intended to put it back together but life had me so busy the project never got
underway, so I passed it along. I seem to remember that it was a narrow tread model.
I will have to dig out some phots when I get time. Here is one of a '37 F-20 that I put some work into and was in the process of giving it some fresh paint. Again this is just a picture of a picture, so the quality isn't great.
Never been there although I have heard it talked about. A lot of things I wish that I had gotten around to seeing back in the day.
NY 986, I just drove by what used to be Hansens today. They closed up a couple-three years ago, maybe more than that. I had to go to Hornell for a dental appointment. And we took the shortcut around the revisor on the way home. Did you go to the SUNY Alfred Vo-Tech in Wellsville or just go to class in Alfred?
I was across the valley at the University in the late '60s. If I am thinking of the same shortcut you mentioned, I used it quite a bit. We referred to it as the "Almond cut-off" or something like that. It went around the north side of the reservoir. I was back a couple years ago. I took the shortcut from the east end first. If I had been going the other way, I would have never recognized the turn. It was out in the open years ago. Now is all grown up around there.
Small world indeed, I drive through Almond every weekend on my way to my retirement property just outside of... Wellsville. I bought 33 acres of forest/oil field/family junkyard, off the Petrolia road. It had a dozen old tractors and lots of other cool old junk.
One of my ex bosses from Canandaigua went to the votech after high school, his father owned a gas station and made him go, he referred to it as "my sentence in Wellsville."
Just signed the deal to sell the house in Clifton Springs, so as of June 1, we'll be full time down there, and I can get serious cleaning up this property. Need a backhoe...


The shortcut was marked seasonal use for a while. Not surprised that there is all kinds of plant growth there. I think even
when it is open use of it is discouraged.
our son went to Alfred Univ, and we drove through Almond area to visit him in early 2000s. I started to doze off one time on the 3 lane hill out of Hornell. Wife drove the rest of the way.
(quoted from post at 00:28:53 01/12/23) Wellsville is where I live. I presume you went to the Texas Hot restaurant at some point?
Hey, Dave did you sell and narrow tread regular and a two bottom plow? Dose your last name start with S ?

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