Oliver 1600 with Parsons backhoe


New User
This message is a reply to an archived post by RusTtrader on July 24, 2017 at 07:22:08.
The original subject was Re: Parsons Oliver White Backhoe help.

I have an Oliver 1600 Industrial tractor with a gas engine and the same loader & backhoe. I recently was able to determine that the R-O-T (reverse o torc) is a Borg Warner velvet drive series 72. From an online search, it appears these were primarily used in marine applications - inboard motors. I've had issues with my R-O-T - hopefully now resolved. I have the 1600 tractor's operator's manual, repair manual, and parts catalog which covers all the model variations of the 1600. I have a tag on the battery box - The Parsons Co., a division of Koehring Co. with the following stampings: 2 (model #???) serial #138 and weight 12000. From other online searches the backhoe model could be a uni-hoe 15-2. No tag on the loader, but I would think it is a Parsons unit too. Always looking for more info on Parsons; don't know why the 2017 posting hasn't come up in my previous searches.
zyg I have a Parsons back hoe out behind the shed right now. Mine has the 283 diesel so thinking Oliver 1650 is the base unit.

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