Oliver 550 66 and 77 starters have issues need some help


Well-known Member
Gas engine. Having 550 starter rebuilt, it was a mess. I also have a parts one I would like to put together. I need the case that has the field coils in it along with the brushes. It appears that the brushes are riveted to the housing not the end cap. Real question is what other ones will work? Now some 66 has a round post and the brushes may be in the end cap (mine are not) I know 55 is similar but guess some are 6 volt mine is 12 volt. If any of you can shed some light it would help. These are getting scarce and pricy. thanks
Hey Jocco, Try, Korves Oliver and The Brillman Company. They both make all reproduction parts, wiring, etc. for Oliver Tractors. Also there's Kent Gordon, great guy, he's out of Texas, he's got a lot of parts for oliver tractors, heres his # 1 (903)-391-7626
Thanks I know them outfits, trying to do this with local starter shop and myself. Trying to see what will cross I do not have 77, 770 to compare to.
Gas engine. Having 550 starter rebuilt, it was a mess. I also have a parts one I would like to put together. I need the case that has the field coils in it along with the brushes. It appears that the brushes are riveted to the housing not the end cap. Real question is what other ones will work? Now some 66 has a round post and the brushes may be in the end cap (mine are not) I know 55 is similar but guess some are 6 volt mine is 12 volt. If any of you can shed some light it would help. These are getting scarce and pricy. thanks
All the Waukesha Oliver gas tractors from 550 to 1850 used the same starter, but some had a 4 post solenoid,instead of 3.Think it was the 1550 on up had 4 post.

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