
Well-known Member
Can power steering be added to a 550 that doesn't have it??? buy used parts from a donor tractor???
(quoted from post at 15:06:48 02/24/22) Can power steering be added to a 550 that doesn't have it??? buy used parts from a donor tractor???

There is quite a bit to purchase. My 1963 Oliver 550 Has a
1. fluid reservoir
2. power steering pump
3. hydraulic cylinder (2)
4. hydraulic hose (4) connecting hard lines between cylinder & steering column.
5. hydraulic tubes (steel) coming from steering column (4)
6. hydraulic tubes (steel) coming off cylinders (4)
7. cylinder mounting bracket (2)
8. steering knuckle needs to be for a power steering model since this is where the cylinders mount next to tie rod.
9. Steering column designed for power steering on 550

There is probably more needed but this is what comes to mind. Sorry if some of these names are not textbook. Not always sure about the official name of everything. I am currently putting my entire power steering system back together after pulling everything and rebuilding and restoring the various parts. It's a lot of work and not sure I wouldn't take a manual steer model over power steering.
If you can find a salvage yard or other source for a complete power steering system
Then should be relatively easy. just transfer stuff, Now if you were adding it to what
you have, I would make sure your manual components are well adjusted and greased
and stay with it. Lots of manual steering tractors worked well.

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