Oliver 66 row crop serial number

I have an Oliver 66 and I'm trying to find out exactly what number off the assembly line it is. And roughly the month it was made. I've already tried contacting the Floyd county museum but they said that they don't have records back that far. But they did say it is a 1949 model and the serial number is #420420

thanks in advance for any help
Nobody will be able to tell you if Floyd County can't. You can guesstimate. 1949 production started with 420001 and ended with 421588. You can get all the casting numbers off the engine and maybe we can tell you if the engine is correct, and maybe decipher the date of the casting. Maybe the same thing with the transmission housing.
Nobody will be able to tell you if Floyd County can't. You can guesstimate. 1949 production started with 420001 and ended with 421588. You can get all the casting numbers off the engine and maybe we can tell you if the engine is correct, and maybe decipher the date of the casting. Maybe the same thing with the transmission housing.
I will get all the casting numbers tomorrow
So if the first number is 420001 and mine is 420420 does that make mine the 420th tractor off the assembly line? Thanks
I will get all the casting numbers tomorrow
So if the first number is 420001 and mine is 420420 does that make mine the 420th tractor off the assembly line? Thanks

That was before Oliver ran different models with the same serial number series. So yes, it is possible it was the 420th "row crop" off the assembly line. Keep in mind other variations of the 66 were being produced with different serial number prefixes.

Also, I should clarify the numbers I presented above are from Lloyd McCray's book, and differ from what others have published. Some articles note 1949 production from 420001-423100.
So I found a couple casting numbers the one I found on the block behind the starter is 180220 and the transmission case number that I found is L596


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Looks nice.

180220 is the Waukesha part number for a 66 block. There are numbers underneath, I can't tell what they are but they're probably L100, which is the Oliver number for the block. On the other side of the engine should be a set of 4 or 5 digits cast in somewhere, maybe upside down, I don't recall where on the 66, but get those numbers, that will be the date. The engine serial number may be stamped into a flange on the RH side by the small line for the oil pressure gauge.
Looks nice.

180220 is the Waukesha part number for a 66 block. There are numbers underneath, I can't tell what they are but they're probably L100, which is the Oliver number for the block. On the other side of the engine should be a set of 4 or 5 digits cast in somewhere, maybe upside down, I don't recall where on the 66, but get those numbers, that will be the date. The engine serial number may be stamped into a flange on the RH side by the small line for the oil pressure gauge.
I didn't get a chance to look for the numbers today but I will look tomorrow morning
There is a date code on the bottom of the rear end housing near the drain plugs. There is an assembly date on the rear of the the engine it is hidden by the front gas tank mount. Those dates can help determine the build of the tractor but engines and rear end housings may have sat for a long time before they got used.
Here is an example from my Super 77. Engine built August 1955, Rear End cast September 1955 tractor built October 1955. That is a fast turn around.
My guess is that they made one run of 66's after the run that yours was built. My guess, after all of those word is September or October 1949.

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