oliver 88 pistons sleeves


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building a oliver 88 engine, getting a diesel crank stroked to 4.850. still deciding on liners and pistons, i bought one liner for a case 207 diesel that is a very close match if you want a 4in bore, would just have to shim the top shoulder so it doesnt have any slop in the block and cut another oring groove in the right spot. but thinking i want to go to 4.25''. been trying to read about putting John deere 3020 gas parts in it but just wondering what someone with experience can tell me, everything i find just seems to be whispers of it and no good info. also looking for a better head off a 1650 maybe, if someone has one for sale
building a oliver 88 engine, getting a diesel crank stroked to 4.850. still deciding on liners and pistons, i bought one liner for a case 207 diesel that is a very close match if you want a 4in bore, would just have to shim the top shoulder so it doesnt have any slop in the block and cut another oring groove in the right spot. but thinking i want to go to 4.25''. been trying to read about putting John deere 3020 gas parts in it but just wondering what someone with experience can tell me, everything i find just seems to be whispers of it and no good info. also looking for a better head off a 1650 maybe, if someone has one for sale
I have used pistons and sleeves from a 4020. Gas. Don't know whether is a late model or not. Would have to measure them. Don't know how good they are. Do you have a local machine shop that will bore your block etc.
yes i have the ability to bore my block, i guess just looking for advice on what is the best route to go
Probably the cheapest, and most hp for your buck is a gas motor from a 1100 MF. Tractor. Next is a 310 Diesel from a late model Oliver. You can take the turbo off. There is no cheap way to bore and stroke. High compression and a good flowing head is a must. Always unexpected problems. But I love the challenge. On a little 13? MF 50 put a 5" crank in it. Never noticed the cam gear in the middle that ran the distributor. Had to machine it off to clear the rods. So used a ign. From a Ford Tempo. Crank triggered. Put the coils on top of the distributor (with no guts) no one ever noticed. Go to pulls and be friends with Oliver guys. Someone will tell you.about his. There are 500 cu. Oliver's pulling 4mph in the top cut classes. Sorry took so long to get back. Have fun. Vic
Probably the cheapest, and most hp for your buck is a gas motor from a 1100 MF. Tractor. Next is a 310 Diesel from a late model Oliver. You can take the turbo off. There is no cheap way to bore and stroke. High compression and a good flowing head is a must. Always unexpected problems. But I love the challenge. On a little 13? MF 50 put a 5" crank in it. Never noticed the cam gear in the middle that ran the distributor. Had to machine it off to clear the rods. So used a ign. From a Ford Tempo. Crank triggered. Put the coils on top of the distributor (with no guts) no one ever noticed. Go to pulls and be friends with Oliver guys. Someone will tell you.about his. There are 500 cu. Oliver's pulling 4mph in the top cut classes. Sorry took so long to get back. Have fun. Vic

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