Oliver 88 slow 1st gear

Hello all, I have an Oliver 88 that I need to go slower for baling hay and picking corn. Is there a slower 1st gear that goes around 1.5 mph?
If Oliver did make a slower 1st how hard are they to change? And does anyone know where I might be able too find one? Thanks
What's that called that the Amish use to power their pto equip with horses. Could you build one of those and pull it with 88 throttled down?
I have run into similar issue with a super 88 with a brush hog, I corregate my pastures and when mowing across the top the super 88 with 15.5 rears is too fast in first gear idled down to not rattle your teeth, I usually mow the tops of the field with the super 77 with 12.4 rears, enough slower to not beat me up. tractor data shows both 77 and 88 first gear at 2.5 MPH. I would try smaller tires first, but always good to have a reason to buy another tractor.
I've never owned a 770 or an 880, but the 770 was the feature tractor in the newest issue of Oliver Heritage magazine. I've never seen so many pictures and letters to the editors for a feature tractor as there were for the 770s. Seems everybody who has one loves it. That power booster was Oliver's first attempt at a two speed and didn't have the best reputation. It was an option, and I don't know what percentage of the 770s and 880s had them. Seems like I see more without than with.

I have a 1550 and feel the same way about that as guys feel about their 770s. I love that tractor. It was the model that replaced the 770. The 1600 replaced the 880. I have one of those too. It's a little bit newer than you mentioned, being made in 63 and 64, but a darned good tractor that would have the vastly better Hydra Power two speed. I don't think you'd be the least little bit disappointed with a 1550 or 1600.
Hard to belive you not owning one! 770 had a good reputation around me 880 did not sell good for some reason.
A. M. Atkins the regular speed code on the powertrain for the 88 on the serial tag should be C88-F. The early low speed powertrain is C88-C at serial number 124 483 the low speed code changed to C88-K.
Can you change the picker drive sprocket(s) to make the picker faster and slow down the engine to cut the travel speed)
Changing out the drive sprockets is a good idea. What sizes do you guys think I would need?
Anything is possible with a torch and a welder but it's going to be quite a project gearing down that baler. If you want to run tractor at half throttle to travel half as fast your going to have to do some math as to sprocket teeth. I can't figure it out for you but there are some on here that can.
Anything is possible with a torch and a welder but it's going to be quite a project gearing down that baler. If you want to run tractor at half throttle to travel half as fast your going to have to do some math as to sprocket teeth. I can't figure it out for you but there are some on here that can.
Oh sorry I forgot to mention I was talking about the corn picker in my last message. Sorry about that

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