Oliver and Cockshutt for RR Lund


Well-known Member
Remember I always wanted to paint an Oliver 550 (Moline energy yellow) and put some MM decals on it? Wonder how many people you would fool? I also remember Moline had a version of the long 445/460 or something like that. Guess I could paint a long yellow too! Don't see much of that stuff now days.
Remember I always wanted to paint an Oliver 550 (Moline energy yellow) and put some MM decals on it? Wonder how many people you would fool? I also remember Moline had a version of the long 445/460 or something like that. Guess I could paint a long yellow too! Don't see much of that stuff now days.
You could park it in this lineup and it'd fit right in. These are the Olivers that were sold as Molines including the Fiat built G350 and G450 that were sold as Oliver or Cockshutt 1265 and 1365. It's been so long now since they were made that you could probably disguise an Oliver 550 as a Moline and nobody would even give it a second thought. It'd look good to have it lined up next to a green one and a red one.

The MMs in the picture belong to Doug Cotton up by Kalkaska Mi.


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Nice picture, cotton used to be on here some. One more thing I don't get, in my neck of the woods they were long or universal tractor (utb) universal tractor brazanoff Romania. They were made for many brands and painted many colors, even allis chalmers. BUT WHERE DOES THE FIAT COME IN? I know about the fiat allis construction equipment.
Remember I always wanted to paint an Oliver 550 (Moline energy yellow) and put some MM decals on it? Wonder how many people you would fool? I also remember Moline had a version of the long 445/460 or something like that. Guess I could paint a long yellow too! Don't see much of that stuff now days.
The White 2-44 sure is a neat looking machine that could pass under the radar. Wonder how far off that yellow is from the Moline?
Nice picture, cotton used to be on here some. One more thing I don't get, in my neck of the woods they were long or universal tractor (utb) universal tractor brazanoff Romania. They were made for many brands and painted many colors, even allis chalmers. BUT WHERE DOES THE FIAT COME IN? I know about the fiat allis construction equipment.
Those ones built in Romania were based on the Fiat tractors, but a little rougher castings and lower quality. Parts are interchangeable but the actual Fiats built in Italy are a better quality machine.

Some history on those 550s, in about 1968, White moved the sale of them to the construction division and changed the number designation to the 2-44. They were painted the industrial yellow, I don't remember what the yellow was officially called. A dealer could still order an Oliver 550, but they had to order them through the construction division and it cost an extra thirty some odd dollars to get them painted green and decaled as an Oliver 550. If you were to take one of those yellow 2-44s and put some kind of MM decals on them with a made up number and a G in front of it, I doubt one person in fifty would even think to question it.

White had some pretty interesting crossovers to fill holes in the lineups. From 66-68, you could get a MM Jet Star Super painted red with a different grill as a Cockshutt 1350.
Those ones built in Romania were based on the Fiat tractors, but a little rougher castings and lower quality. Parts are interchangeable but the actual Fiats built in Italy are a better quality machine.

Some history on those 550s, in about 1968, White moved the sale of them to the construction division and changed the number designation to the 2-44. They were painted the industrial yellow, I don't remember what the yellow was officially called. A dealer could still order an Oliver 550, but they had to order them through the construction division and it cost an extra thirty some odd dollars to get them painted green and decaled as an Oliver 550. If you were to take one of those yellow 2-44s and put some kind of MM decals on them with a made up number and a G in front of it, I doubt one person in fifty would even think to question it.

White had some pretty interesting crossovers to fill holes in the lineups. From 66-68, you could get a MM Jet Star Super painted red with a different grill as a Cockshutt 1350.
I do remember the jet Sar version in 1350 cockshutt. I think it is quite rare. I also remember the jet star in all brown color early 60s I guess. I have a later jet star 3 have had it for many years local tractor dealer was a dairy farm! I still use it. Bought it off original owners family and bought a truck too. Back then they were "cleaning up" I thought they were joking on prices I could not write the checks fast enough.

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