Oliver dealer codes

Hello, i recently posted about a Oliver 1800 tractor that I was trying to find which dealer it was sent to. A couple of you guys pointed me in the direction of the Floyd County Museum and it did help me in my research. But we still have not been able to find the dealer it was originally sent to.
We did find out that the Oliver 1800 was sent to the distribution center in Harrisburg PA on August 11th 1961. The dealer our Oliver Was originally sent to was called Histand's Equipment in Doylestown PA and we contacted them today but unfortunately when the new owners took over they threw away the old books. So I'm hoping someone on here might be able to help me.

The dealer code is C-4652
If you guys have any information on which dealer this code belongs to I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
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As of now there is no way to identify dealers from the codes on the build cards. There hasn’t been any master list found so far to match codes to the dealers they represent. The Floyd county museum may very well have it somewhere in the mounds of files that have yet to be gone through and cataloged but it hasn’t shown up yet. About the best you can hope for is that the name of the town it was shipped to was written on the card and you can research backwards from that. I found the dealer my 1950T came from that way. That being said. You stated the dealer your 1800 was originally sent to was Histands equipment so if you already know the dealer name I don’t know what more you’re looking for?
A . M . Aitkins, I have also been looking at the build cards. The code you listed is not a dealer code but a purchase order number. I have been researching the Super 66's and that number is not always the same even though it looks like it was shipped to the same customer.

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