Oliver Diesel 77 or OC6


New User
Hello, I need to replace the starter drive pinion on my 1953 Oliver Diesel OC6 Crawler. My OC 6 parts book lists a Delco Remy part number of 1914341 (Oliver p/n 1K-7716-A) for the pinion drive assembly. On the internet the assemblys compatible with 1914341 have a 12 tooth pinion, however my crawler has a 13 tooth pinion. So I am curious if any folks with a OC6 Diesel or a 77 Diesel can tell me how many teeth their starter pinion has. I am wondering if possibly this crawler which had a rough life in west Texas, pushing a 10 foot blade, may have had an incorrect pinion put on as it was quite chewed up. I have it running as of a couple of years ago after replacing rod journal bearing, rings, putting in a clutch and a few other things, but have only ran it a total of less than 10 hours. Thanks for any info folks can pass along. FYI the Pinion itself is Delco Remy p/n 1911629 (Oliver p/n 1K-7889). Additionally I thought an Oliver p/n with a K meant it was from an 88 model. Thanks for any info you can pass along.

That pinion part number was superseded by 1918163. What starter is actually on the tractor?

My opinion, and if I was in your shoes, I'd spend a $150-200 bucks and order one of those new gear reduction starters, rather than piecing an old delco back together. Those new starters are the bee's knees.

Thanks Scootergmc for the reply, I forgot to mention the acutal DR starter number is 110970. I have found a assembly with the same dimensions except that it uses a 12 tooth pinion, and mine the 13 tooth. So I had hoped to keep the original starter if possible. That is an idea on the gear reduction starter, I put one on my 1997 7.3 diesel truck and what a difference! I did not realize there might be one out there that could fit without a lot of rework to match up and engage properly?

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