Oliver oc-12 starter PARTS


New User
I have a (don't even know what year) Oliver oc-12. Use it for just some home - recreational stuff. Today while I was moving some old cars, I shut it down to to talk on the phone. Get back to start it and boom. Starters locked up solid. Few hours later I get the starter out and to a rebuild shop. They tell me it's "not rebuildable" but they have one that will work for 450$. I think it's a load of BS considering it was just working perfectly prior too. Anywho, where the hell do I find parts (a freakin starter) for this thing?? I'm 1:30hrs into this Internet search and all I have found is a starter for a cockshutt 570, same 4.9l diesel but the starter looks way different other than the bolt pattern.

I can't find hardly anything in the Internet about this ANYWHERE.... We're these like super low production or what?

If you have a starter for one of these Hercules 4.9l diesels, please Let me know!! Or if you know where to get parts.

Ps. I have an entire 4.9l spare motor I'm willing to part ways with. Along with some other stuff. Motor has had a tarp and intake and exhaust covered but I can't guarantee it's not stuck


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Whatever you do, make sure you pick up your old starter parts from the rebuilder. Odds are, there are some useable parts in that old starter…and the rebuilder knows it.
I have a (don't even know what year) Oliver oc-12. Use it for just some home - recreational stuff. Today while I was moving some old cars, I shut it down to to talk on the phone. Get back to start it and boom. Starters locked up solid. Few hours later I get the starter out and to a rebuild shop. They tell me it's "not rebuildable" but they have one that will work for 450$. I think it's a load of BS considering it was just working perfectly prior too. Anywho, where the hell do I find parts (a freakin starter) for this thing?? I'm 1:30hrs into this Internet search and all I have found is a starter for a cockshutt 570, same 4.9l diesel but the starter looks way different other than the bolt pattern.

I can't find hardly anything in the Internet about this ANYWHERE.... We're these like super low production or what?

If you have a starter for one of these Hercules 4.9l diesels, please Let me know!! Or if you know where to get parts.

Ps. I have an entire 4.9l spare motor I'm willing to part ways with. Along with some other stuff. Motor has had a tarp and intake and exhaust covered but I can't guarantee it's not stuck
So, what did the "starter repair shop" determine was actually wrong/broken/beyond repair with your starter?
If you care to send it to me, I have a friend that has been rebuilding starters all his life. He is now 91 & still at it. Between the 2 of us it will be fixed right.

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