Oliver Old Style - Streamline 88 Registry

If I was writing the article, I'd say they built three versions- row crop, standard and industrial, with the row crop having three available front end configurations, tricycle, narrow, and wide front.
I went to a dealer meeting in 1961 or 2 and the man who sat next to said they had one of those early tractor and Charles City sent them some parts so they could up-date
the PTO to what the later ones were.
Don't know, but don't think so. I think it had to do with the over-center clutch and maybe the long shaft and the center support bearing. Also what did they do with the
diesels they had built? The pumps went back to Bosch. Send me an e-mail and we can discuss it. Do you have any pictures of tractors with the K-100 blocks?(NO suffix letters? J>

Here's an old post by user Lee E.:

"The holes in the forward lower quarter of the engine side panels were "used" on Row Crop tractors when a 4-row cultivator or planter was mounted. A support rod was connected by an eye bolt to a threaded boss near the front of the engine assembly with the other end of this rod connected to the front pipe about 3/4 the way toward the end of the pipe. The support rod was routed through the hole in the side panel.
This configuration was first used with the Row Crop 70 and carried forward with the Row Crop 77s and 88s. Note: 4-row implements were not normally recommended for use on the 60 or 66 tractors but could be mounted.
It was very unhandy to remove the side panels for normal servicing of the engine with the rod running through the panel. You could unlatch the panel and slide the panel far enough forward to free the top of the panel and then lay it away from the engine for access.
Only the early 77 and 88 Row Crop panels had the holes. Later tractors did not have the holes so the panels would be left off the tractor when the 4-row equipment was mounted. Standard tractors normally did not have the holes in their panels. One exception may be the "Old Style" 88 standards and industrials which used the same panels as the Row Crop, as I recall."
Here is what I have to show for the Old Style 88 Registry.


I am not sure what the D means in the code column, I wonder if it might be Diesel.

This post was edited by John Schoenauer on 03/25/2023 at 03:58 pm.
John Here is a picture of 129700. I bought it on a private sale near Columbus Nebraska in the early 90 s. It is now near La Crose Wisconsin.
John. Here is a picture of the second old style I have, again came from the Columbus Nebraska area, same person as my first one. I still have the original engine with the large frost plugs. I relocated an engine from a 1600 in it and with me one it weighs less than 4000lbs. We had lots of fun with is for 15+ years. Now it might get out to play every other year.
I wish I had the serial number for this one to give to you but it's long gone. Just putting it up because it has that support rod for the four row cultivator. I have next to no memories of the side panels on this tractor. This was the main work horse on the farm from before my time until 1973. (seems like there are several photos I have from that era that were off center. from the camera my mother had)

This post was edited by JohnRowehl on 03/26/2023 at 05:57 pm.
Thanks Dan. I will add these to my list and post the pictures in the Facebook Group. There is a new group because I set the old group wrong.
Oliver Streamline - Old Style 88 Registry https://www.facebook.com/groups/3539642292992239

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