Oliver Super 77 - School Me On Them

Bill VA

Well-known Member
Window shopping...

Thinking about adding an Oliver Super 77 gasser to my fleet to go along with my 1958 Farmall 350.

Independent PTO and live hydraulics? Was a 3 point hitch ever offered from the factory?

Chores - raking hay, hustling kicker wagons, most any chore the 350 would do.

Any sage info and advice about the Super 77 is much appreciated.

S77 is around 44hp independent live PTO and live hyds. No factory 3 point that I have ever heard of. It will work circles around that Farmall 350 you have. Years ago I had a Farmall 450 which is rated the same HP as the S88 is and my S88 worked circle around the 450. When the 450 would not handle a job the S88 just played with the same job and never looked back
Yes a 3 point was offered. It was called a Hydra-hitch. It should have a group 3 hydraulic. More questions, send me an e-mail.
We have a S-77 with an aftermarket 3 point hitch, I use the hitch on a 7' brushog. I need a stack of weights on the front for counterbalance. I usually use 3rd gear in high grass and it runs it with ease. If I used it more, I would add aftermarket power steering.
There was 2 versions of Super 77. The gassers built before 1957 were 6 volt and had green wheels. There were a few other improvements made in 57 as well besides being 12 volt and red wheels, but the later improved Super 77 would be more desirable.
Super 77 is a very good mid-1950s tractor and was a direct market competitor to your Farmall 350. If it is in good condition it will handle the chore you listed very well. Steering could be heavy for kids unless it has power steering. Forget about finding a cheap 3 point hitch to fit one, the total cost could be similar to buying a tractor ten years newer with a real factory 3 point hitch. Two of the lowest cost tractors with a real factory three point hitch are Case 730 and 830 Comfort King, around 55 and 65 HP.
There has been an add on our local FB marketplace for an aftermarket 3 point for $150, needs hydraulic cylinder and lift arms.

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