Out with the old, in with the new!

Bruce from Can.

Well-known Member
We took our 6 ton bin down, and put in a new 15 ton feed bin. We are milking more cows all the time, and the old bin seemed to be empty all the time. We feed one ton of dairy ration every two days. So now we only need feed delivered twice a month, instead of every week Old bin can be used at the heifer barn.









I have never seen a truck set up a bin like that. Neat! A ton every two days and 15 ton works out to a load a month here in Shunk. Splain dat Lucy. ;)
Our feed is delivered by a truck trailer combo. The trailer has 4 ton compartments, and will only bring full
compartment loads, as the feed is made about 150 mile away. So in the past we could only get 4 ton drops of
feed, now we can get 4, 8 or 12 ton each drop, all depending on what the coop feed company has arranged for
other farmers on the load as well. Never like to run out of dairy ration, it is a pain you can feel right a
way next milking, and for that reason,I never want the bin empty. If the bin runs empty, the somebody gone
feel a big hurt, usually me.
(quoted from post at 16:36:06 05/13/15) Our feed is delivered by a truck trailer combo. The trailer has 4 ton compartments, and will only bring full
compartment loads, as the feed is made about 150 mile away. So in the past we could only get 4 ton drops of
feed, now we can get 4, 8 or 12 ton each drop, all depending on what the coop feed company has arranged for
other farmers on the load as well. Never like to run out of dairy ration, it is a pain you can feel right a
way next milking, and for that reason,I never want the bin empty. If the bin runs empty, the somebody gone
feel a big hurt, usually me.

Ok, I get it now. :) I wasnt trying to be a smart alek but it didnt compute. I also like the barn siding. You have a great looking spread there!
My brother drove a feed truck for years....he would applaud the placing of that tank. Good planning Bruce
Nice bin.
And people keep telling me you can not make money milking cows.
Sure seems like a lot of milking barn upgrades being posted here lately.

Kind of weird seeing how you guys up north do things.
I delivered feed to dairy barns for several years with a 24 yard dump trailer.
Every barn I have ever delivered to could hold a whole load of corn.
We did split the loads of soybean meal over 2 or 3 farms.

The bin had 4 sections.
They would put corn in 3 of them and SOM in one of them.
Never did get into how the bottom worked but it mixed the corn with the SOM as it run out of the bin and into the parlor.
Most were milking about 100 cows at the time.
I hope your concrete base can handle 2 1/2 times the weight....I switched from an 800 bu wet bin at the dryer, to a 1600 bu. Some years later the legs poked thru the 8 inch concrete pad. Even bent 1/2 inch steel plates I slipped under the legs. Switched to a 16 inch thick pad in 2013, per the mfgrs design.

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