Overspray on final paint coat

Final coat went on the H this evening. I'm pretty happy with it other than I have some areas with some very faint overspray. Anyone have experience with this and how to handle it. Would this be something a clay bar could take care of? Any input is appreciated


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You were probably not keeping your spray passes/overlaps quite wet enough which is based on temperature and reducer (thinner) spec speed.
Not to worry. Go back with some very fine scotchbrite and then, - with some very fine compound in those areas and it will look 100%.
You were probably not keeping your spray passes/overlaps quite wet enough which is based on temperature and reducer (thinner) spec speed.
Not to worry. Go back with some very fine scotchbrite and then, - with some very fine compound in those areas and it will look 100%.
This is an industrial grade enamel from Rustoleum. Only comes in a rattle can. I will try this on a small part and see what happens. This paint is pretty stout once you let it sit and cure for a week or 2
Final coat went on the H this evening. I'm pretty happy with it other than I have some areas with some very faint overspray. Anyone have experience with this and how to handle it. Would this be something a clay bar could take care of? Any input is appreciated
The overspray makes it look factory. 100 point concours restoration.
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