Painting a Dealers Eagle


Well-known Member
I have it sandblasted, etch primed, seal primed and ready for color. I have the paint and the Heritage Eagle story about painting them the "right" way. Does anyone have detailed pictures of an Eagle painted "the right way"? Thanks DK
Yes I do but I am still up here in the Yukon & all my pics are in Iowa & I don't plan to return to Iowa until some time in Aug. If you are not in a real hurry I can see if my son can get them for me when he comes home from college & email them to me & then I will email them to you. But that could be a couple months before that happens. Let me know if I can be any help. PS. Are you going to Albert City this year? Gerald
Thanks Guys! I will try Rich. I can paint 99% of it before I get to the details. GM: I do plan on Albert City. I will most likely only bring the Crawler with the fuel prices the way they are. DK
There were some detailed instructions in the Heritage Eagle a couple years back or was it in Old Abes News?

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