Perkins 4 cylinder diesel Bilchrome indentification


New User
Hi, I have a Massey Ferguson MF200 Crawler tracked loader. Engine block says Bilchrome
K268 serial 37112240... diesel 4 cylinder.

I am trying to identify part numbers for full re-build kit.... I can't find anything on perkins for this engine???

Massey Ferguson says this crawler came with a 3 cylinder perkins. But it has a 4 cylinder engine... (definitely looks like a perkins 100%)

Can anybody help please?


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Engine LOOKS like the A4.192 OR the A4.203 indirect injected diesel. The later AD4.203 direct injected diesel had different injectors. I'd take the engine apart first as different cylinder sleeves have been used and there's a good chance you won't get the right kit without pulling the old sleeves.
You are going to need to disassemble that engine and take a look at what you have. I am not sure it makes a difference regarding what sleeves it has currently if you are replacing the sleeves and piston as a unit. I would check sleeve to block clearance to make sure the block didn't need to be honed out a little.

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