placing ad beef

Mark Poss

Well-known Member
Why is there no place to post your phone number when placing ad? The old site required a phone number when placing ads. Made it a whole lot easier to contact people instead of this messaging system!!
I Know what you mean. I have been putting my number at the End of My Ad's
I have had a few people that have bought from me before that called me because they are not members and can't send a message on YT
I do put my phone number on the ads that I place but I would like to be able to call someone that has placed an ad that I’m interested in
I do put my phone number on the ads that I place but I would like to be able to call someone that has placed an ad that I’m interested in
Times have changed, Private Msg (Start Conversation) works great in forums using this software, I buy and sell on a couple of other forums, they actually have rules about not posting phone numbers. That and no one except a few of us old folks want to talk on the phone let alone actually publish their phone # in a forum.

I often tell my 84 yr old pops, if you want to use the tech you need to evolve with it, it is only moving fwd whether you change or not.

Edit: concerning calling each other. That's is what a PM (Start Conversation) is for, ask questions and exchange phone numbers.

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