Please help wiring tea20


New User
Hello everyone.

I am currently working on a restoration of a Tea20 and need help with the wiring. I am not a expert on it but i think i will be able to fix it. I have taken the wiring of the tractor. Now it looks like a mess.

The tractor has a generator and a 12 volt system. But is negative to earth. From what i have read positive to earth is more normal?
Does it even matter? Is there any problems with that? The cable from the negative was mounted to the underside of the dashboard.

Are there any pdf thats explain how to fix a 12 volt system, 12 volt battery, negative earth with a generator?

As said i am not an expert and i need something/someone to explain to me which cables goes to where.

Thanks for your time.


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Almost a year ago you started posting about this tractor. At the time you were asked if you had the manuals, which you never answered. If you didn't have the manuals, you should have gotten some by now. The Operator's Manual and the Service (shop) Manual are important to have and should have been the first "parts" you purchased. The wiring diagrams will be in one of those manuals. When I get free, I will see if I can locate a wiring diagram for you.
Almost a year ago you started posting about this tractor. At the time you were asked if you had the manuals, which you never answered. If you didn't have the manuals, you should have gotten some by now. The Operator's Manual and the Service (shop) Manual are important to have and should have been the first "parts" you purchased. The wiring diagrams will be in one of those manuals. When I get free, I will see if I can locate a wiring diagram for you.
I of course have a manual but I am not a expert on wiring.

The manual shows the original wiring for a 6 volt system, and I think positive to earth.

Can i use that for the 12 volt system? Does something needs to be changed when i am now using 12 volt system with generator.
It sounds like someone did a 12 volt conversion using a generator and voltage regulator and switched it to negative ground/earth.
Do a search on TEA-20 wiring diagrams. I found a few different ones including what looked like a 12 volt conversion.
BTW the person that is an expert on wiring was a beginner at one time.
I of course have a manual but I am not a expert on wiring.

The manual shows the original wiring for a 6 volt system, and I think positive to earth.

Can i use that for the 12 volt system? Does something needs to be changed when i am now using 12 volt system with generator.
Good you have a diagram 6 or 12 volts the same diagram can be used. just swap the positive and negatives on the original positive ground drawing. A generator can be polarized to either positive or negative ground. If it was running one has to guess that the coil either has a ballast resistor wired in the wire coming to it from the switch, or the coil has been replaced with a true 12 volt one.
Good you have a diagram 6 or 12 volts the same diagram can be used. just swap the positive and negatives on the original positive ground drawing. A generator can be polarized to either positive or negative ground. If it was running one has to guess that the coil either has a ballast resistor wired in the wire coming to it from the switch, or the coil has been replaced with a true 12 volt one.
Thank you.

The coil is a 12 volt coil i can see.
The tractor may well be using 12 volts now , what it left the factory using is another matter .
Either 6 or 12 volts is the norm
A six volt starter will work on 12 v though it's a good practice limit the start time to a few seconds with waiting in-between attempts.
Nothing is wrong with a positive ground system , works just as well . Often the change to neg ground is to accommodate an alternator . Look at the coil and see if the polarity has been changed on it as well .
Hello everyone.

I am currently working on a restoration of a Tea20 and need help with the wiring. I am not a expert on it but i think i will be able to fix it. I have taken the wiring of the tractor. Now it looks like a mess.

The tractor has a generator and a 12 volt system. But is negative to earth. From what i have read positive to earth is more normal?
Does it even matter? Is there any problems with that? The cable from the negative was mounted to the underside of the dashboard.

Are there any pdf thats explain how to fix a 12 volt system, 12 volt battery, negative earth with a generator?

As said i am not an expert and i need something/someone to explain to me which cables goes to where.

Thanks for your time.
I use these schematics when required....
Owner TEA-20 Original 6 Volt system..


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