Plow parts for IH LIttle Wonder

Tom Elliott

New User
Looking for shares and landside for a IH Little Wonder 12" two bottom. Need two shares #0-552 and the front landside #0-2018. Even if these numbers mean anything anymore. I found this Little Wonder and trying to make a usable plow out of it. Got everything freed up and working. Had to make a cutoff land wheel as the steel wheel was unrepairable. The trip clutch is working great. If I can fine the parts I need I think it will be a very good plow.
Looking for shares and landside for a IH Little Wonder 12" two bottom. Need two shares #0-552 and the front landside #0-2018. Even if these numbers mean anything anymore. I found this Little Wonder and trying to make a usable plow out of it. Got everything freed up and working. Had to make a cutoff land wheel as the steel wheel was unrepairable. The trip clutch is working great. If I can fine the parts I need I think it will be a very good plow.
I have points & edges that can be welded to your shares to make them like new again.

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