Polypropylene sealed!

Charles in Aus.

Well-known Member
Tomorrow, the 10th of October by our calendar would have been my father's 95 birthday had he lived to see it .
Today I used his electric soldering iron ( while I talked to him a little ) to finish the joints on the polypropylene drains before the concrete is poured this Saturday. The joints aren't pretty but they are strong enough to withstand some flexing and are ; more importantly waterproof.
The grate prevented me from continuing right to the top , the business end is at the bottom though . Once surrounded by concrete I suspect they will last longer than I will . Perhaps even 95 years .


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Good to hear welding worked out. I'll bet your dad would approve. The 10th is a good day. One family birthday and the day I got married. Hope the place and finish goes just as well.
Same here married the 10th. We didn’t start in the field for 2 weeks yet that year. We are 2/3 done with harvest this year. It’s good to take time and think about your dad while working.

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