Power Steering Question

He “figured it out” by not coming back!!
He was new to YT and there was no need to lay it on him like that. He was blaming it all on his ignition and we had not even gotten to fuel delivery. But you had to go and say …”I think u better get a mechanic on this problem as it is appearing it’s out of your league…” essentially meaning “better have someone that knows what they are doing come look at it because your an idiot”

If you got to do that, say that to your dog or cow or tractor. Don’t type it out on here. You’ll air it out and feel better and it won’t set anyone cross-wise here. This same thing goes for wore out here.
I’m not adding another reply to this line of discussion so no more is taken away from the subject of the thread. Besides you always have to have the last word anyway.
In regards to the topics these forums are supporting the “my way or the highway”approach just does not correlate with the purpose of these discussion forums. You type in your suggestions and step back and let others say their piece. If you don’t agree or feel your suggestion is better you come back explaining why it could be better. Then you wait for the member who brought the topic up to reply on their own terms. Am I a “model” participant? NO! But, I try to be civilized to those that come her with problems, especially if they are new here.
ooh boy u are so wrong in your theories, u are spending too much time typing on here. no body knows me as you are portraying . geez u are something else coming up with them comments . 🤨

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