Prayers needed for 7 year old girl

The guy is a moron First rule NEVER POINT AT A HUMAN UNLESS YOU PLAN TO SHOOT THEM >Sorry but shooting your own daughter in the head maybe you voluntarily should give up the hobby Because you don't know anything about handling firearms ,That is all I have to say. Complete moron
He can't even see this, but I am SURE he is sorry. Jeez O' Pete, you don't have to call him a moron, no matter how it may seem to you, no one is perfect and accidents can and will happen. This thread was certainly not created for this kind of guilt-tripping aggression. I am praying for you as well.
Folks, a farmer friend's son was emptying his 9mm pistol, somehow (I don't know the particulars)the gun went off and he shot his 7 year old daughter in the head yesterday. They life flighted her to Columbus where they did surgery on her. Drs said it will be touch and go for awhile but she woke up around midnight and tried to get out of bed (good sign maybe). This afternoon they did something and she said ouch which was a good thing to hear. This is his only daughter out of 3 kids and his baby. Folks if you believe in the power of prayer at all, please say one for her and her dad because He is probably hurting awfully bad right now and you know he certainly blames himself for it all. I know we can all say what ifs and he shouldn't have, but things happen that we can never take back, so please don't, just say a prayer for them.
My prayers and thoughts are with the family right now
Just no reason for this kind of accident. Why was it pointing in the direction of his daughter? 9mm so most likely a semi-auto. If emptying, magazine out and work the slide while gun is NOT pointed at anybody. Rule number ONE of handling firearms: They are all loaded even when they aren't! Period! Very sorry this happened but no excuse for it.
All but a matter -o -time before guy is charged. Disagreeable wives will / must insist on same, lest they face the "sorry officer- was just cleaning my "X", minding my own business when I accidently shot my 195 lb. little misses...." They love to sit on Jurries and have little better to do than play with cell-phones and vote.
All but a matter -o -time before guy is charged. Disagreeable wives will / must insist on same, lest they face the "sorry officer- was just cleaning my "X", minding my own business when I accidently shot my 195 lb. little misses...." They love to sit on Jurries and have little better to do than play with cell-phones and vote.
Maybe they are trying to prevent or a reduce the number of similar tragedies that happen in the future?
Folks, a farmer friend's son was emptying his 9mm pistol, somehow (I don't know the particulars)the gun went off and he shot his 7 year old daughter in the head yesterday. They life flighted her to Columbus where they did surgery on her. Drs said it will be touch and go for awhile but she woke up around midnight and tried to get out of bed (good sign maybe). This afternoon they did something and she said ouch which was a good thing to hear. This is his only daughter out of 3 kids and his baby. Folks if you believe in the power of prayer at all, please say one for her and her dad because He is probably hurting awfully bad right now and you know he certainly blames himself for it all. I know we can all say what ifs and he shouldn't have, but things happen that we can never take back, so please don't, just say a prayer for them.
Prayers sent.
Judge not, least ye be judged.

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