Pressure Setting for MF 165 Multipower Transmission Pump


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Does anyone know what the pressure setting should be for the dedicated multipower hydraulic pump? This is the pump below the lift cover that powers the multipower shifting mechanism, and nothing else. I had less than 100 psi coming out of my pump. After taking it apart, putting it back together, and cranking in the relief valve a couple turns, I'm now getting well over 2000 psi at a dead idle. This seems a bit high. What is the correct pressure?

Does anyone know what the pressure setting should be for the dedicated multipower hydraulic pump? This is the pump below the lift cover that powers the multipower shifting mechanism, and nothing else. I had less than 100 psi coming out of my pump. After taking it apart, putting it back together, and cranking in the relief valve a couple turns, I'm now getting well over 2000 psi at a dead idle. This seems a bit high. What is the correct pressure?

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I believe the relief for the multi-power circuit is ~300psi. My MF180 with a fresh pump and rebuilt multi-power runs about 180-190psi on the transmission check port (that is after it goes through the filter and cooler).

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