PTO not engaging massey Ferguson 1190


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I recently bought a 90’s MF1190. On spring I had the 3 point lifter hose that broke and make a spill of oil. I still use the tractor but did not make the pto run for 2 month. When I try to make the PTO it work again, nothing…. I did see the light on the dash, but it is not spinning. The force lever is free to move, no resistance at all just some snap point. The oil level was very low on the back of the differiencial. I put back 22L of oil tdh but oil level still below the gauge.

Does the PTO work with oil pressure and because it’s too low it is not working?

Could it be the clutch?

Could it be the PTO solenoid?

Thanks for helping!
Hello Bryan, welcome to YT! I really know nothing about your tractor. All I can tell you by looking at the parts diagrams for your tractor the PTO clutch is engaged by oil pressure. AGCO MF 1190 parts catalog look at section 67, it sounds like you may not have much knowledge about mechanical things so maybe the diagram won’t mean much to you. It also shows that your PTO may have an option to change speeds by a lever. I wonder if that lever may have gotten bumped and is between speeds. Or maybe you are not even operating the correct lever.
Operating the tractor low on fluid could cause serious damage. You should get an operator’s manual for your tractor so you know how to operate and maintain it correctly.

Thanks for anwser!

I have some knowledge in mechanics, but I could find anywhere informations in manual about the pto oil pressure.

I am sure that i’m using the right lever. I was using the tractor for 8 months.

I didn’t use the PTO since the leak. I will add 18L more today and hope it will move.
Sometimes the manuals can be of little or no help in certain situations. There probably is no pressure test port for the PTO circuit, so specs may not be of much help either.

Follow the pressure line from the hydraulic pump back and it will lead you to the PTO pressure regulator and solenoid valve block. You can do a quick check there for wiring problems, damage to the coil, etc. Maybe check the end of the solenoid coil with a wrench or screwdriver to see if the end becomes a magnet when the switch is on or 12 volts is applied to the coil. If it does that then the electrical portion is PROBABLY working.

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